I'm confused on the part on the instrument rating checkride where you have to fly the holding pattern. Which entrance to the pattern does the evil lady want me to take? IS there a walkthrough out there somewhere on the internet? Thanks
wenglish101989 wrote:
Which entrance to the pattern does the evil lady want me to take?
Evil Lady - LOL
I tried every enterance there was and finally I got so angry I crashed the plane with the evil lady inside I decided to skip to the commercial lessons.
Don't bother. Think of it this way, passing the checkride gets you nothing in game or real life. If you feel you've successfully mastered the concepts just go on to the comercial lesons.
I agree, she is evil!
After frustated for months.
I found the answer by Skyhawk 172XP in the following website.
God bless Skyhawk 172XP.
That checkride is impossible.
i agree.
at one point it seemed to want me to descend to 2100 ft, but to climb at a rate of 500 ft per minute.
I have never had to deal with the evil lady( fortunately). But in real life I have flown the holding pattern under the hood--- IFR training. You have to be on your toes, or you can get disoriented real easy. As a pilot, in real life, passing the IFR checkride does matter. It lets you live long enough to get back on the ground in one piece. Note: I do not have an IFR rating but I am familiar with IFR approaches. Should I choose to get an IFR rating, I would like to do it under real IFR conditions. I actually did some IFR work off the coast of California during a vacation. It was fun.
I've passed the holding after few hours, but looks like there is many of other catchs. The freakin "examiner" wants you to tune the nav1 to proper freq for ILS app. So I tuned the ILS in, but she just ended the lesson for invalid freq. I tryied it two more times and tuned in other freqs with was nonsence for the concept of land which I was about to commit.
But looks like she doesn't want you to complete the checkride, so she always find a reason, even if there is none.
The I figured out its more bugy than hard so I'll just skip this frustrating lesson like others did.
On: you find links for flight simulator 2002-2004
The is a check ride guide in Spanish and English>
Ok, i got a link to a website from an earlier post
"Tune your NAV1 radio to SEA VOR 116.8", open your radio stack and set: NAV1-116.8, NAV1stdby-110.9, NAV2-109.6, ADF- 224
The guys says this in a statement when we first tune the radios at the very beginning. I can understand why tune all that but i dont understand what the ADF does. 224 seems to be the DONDO marker which is 4.3 nm from the SEA VOR. anyone know?
I haven't done the instrument course in FS09 but I'll try to answer your question. This answer assumes you are flying the VOR RW34L/R approach. If you are flying the NDB approach to RW 34 there are additional answers but these are also valid for that approach.
DONDO is indeed the NDB at 4.3 DME. It has one primary function on the approach and one secondary. The primary function is to mark the point in the approach where you must remain at or above 1,600 feet until you pass it. The secondary, which is true of all approaches, is that a prudent pilot makes use of ALL the navigational tools available to him/her. DONDO serves in that capacity as a double check to make sure the pilot has tuned the VOR correctly and is flying the approach correctly. If the VOR needle is centered but the ADF needle is pointing right or left, it can mean the pilot has mistuned the VOR and may be off course. Small variations can also signal a normal correction for wind drift but it is at least a signal to doublke check that the VOR is set correctly.
If you are being vectored to intercept the VOR inbound course, DONDO can also serve as an early warning that you are reaching the turning point. Close into the VOR, as you would be on an approach, the ADF needle pointing 30-35 degrees off the nose will be an early signal it is time to begin your inbound turn. Close to the airport, if you wait for the VOR needle to move, you will probably overshoot the inbound course unless you turn quite smartly.
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