Autoland real?

Trizz Guest

Yo, I was wondering. Is using the ILS frequency in the Radio stack to autoland the plane fictional, or do real pilots actually use it. (I personally never use it, but want to know for trivial knowledge 😉 )

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

The normal ILS and Autopilot is not Autoland capable, only certain(few) ILS runways (CAT III)(ILS must have DME) can be used to Autoland. Only specially equipped aircraft (none in default FS) can execute a Autoland. Flight crew has to be specially trained (and maintain qualification) to accomplish Autoland. If all above is met, yes, real world aircraft can complete a Autoland. Most airline pilots and aircraft don't Autoland. 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
john (verygom) First Officer

Real 'autoland' system can be found on Dave Maltby's excellent Trident - the first aircraft to make Cat lll 'blind' auto landings:-

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