Sterile Cockpit

Jamie4590 Guest

I'm trying to find out if flight crews have a set time/scenario when it becomes a 'sterile' cockpit or does the captain verbally declare when he wishes it to be sterile? Is it aviation law that a cockpit is sterile through the take-off and landing phases? I know its common sense but I just wondered. Can pilots get to such a standard and a flight crew work together so often that a sterile cockpit need only be delcared in emergency conditions as anything else is just business as usual?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

If by sterile you mean that only the Captain and First Officer are present, then it depends on the airline. Normally, when the engines are started the cockpit door is shut and locked (they are now bullet proof doors). This door does not open to stay open, until the Captain and First Officer are ready to leave - all for security reasons. Its not about the standard of the pilots and the teamwork involved, it is purely a matter of national security.

Before 9/11 and 7/7, cockpit doors were often left open, with children being allowed to sit up in the cockpit and watch. Now, this is strictly prohibited by US / UK airlines.

Jamie4590 Guest

When I say sterile I mean the cockpit is closed to cabin staff and all conversation on the flight deck must be related to the task at hand. ie when going through landing checklists the flight engineer can't start humming to himself or ask the captain if he's going out tonight to get sloshed 😀

Is it captains discression to declare or are there set rules that must be followed?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Jonathan (99jolegg) Chief Captain

The cockpit door will be shut to anybody that isn't the Captain or First Officer, when the engines are started and taxiing is about to begin. There isn't a set agenda of who is allowed to say what and when. As long as the appropriate checklists are carried out at the appropriate time and in the correct fashion then there is no problem. Pilots aren't stupid, they won't ask a question or start general conversation in critical moments of flight - each pilot has their own responsibilities which they will follow. Those areas that are not descripted by the airline, are subject to ad lib by the pilots.


Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Sterile cockpit is set by Federal Aviation Regulations(US). Exists during all operations below 10,000 feet(except cruise). FAR 121.542(B)(C). 🙂

Pro Member First Officer
Faucett First Officer

Wikipedia's take on the sterile cockpit rule:

Brought about by the crash of Eastern flight 212 in 1974.

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