afcad and ai aircraft

Pro Member Trainee
Mitchell Delaney (minicaptain) Trainee

hi everyone, i have a problem with afcad and ai planes, i just got an afcad file for sydney intl but my ai planes(virgin blue, jetstar, qantas) dont go to the assigned gates for those airlines, do i have to do something else before besides adding the afcad to make the planes go there?
does anybody know what to do?

sorry if i didnt post in the right topic i dont know where to put it

from mitch

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

It seems that you must add flightplans first.

Check out Lee Swordy's TrafficTools and Good instructions are included to show you how it's used. Here's a link ➡

TrafficTools is at the bottom of the page.

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