if anyone can point me to the 400 model my ffx/kittyhawk/cantu then it would be much appreciated
This is what I found. 😕
hinch wrote:
if anyone can point me to the 400 model my ffx/kittyhawk/cantu then it would be much appreciated
You sure he made a -400?
We know he made the -700 and -800 with Kittyhawk and the -200 with FFX. But the -400? I doubt it.
I just found some repaints for -300s and -500s supposedly made for Cantu models. I'm suspicious though. Those textures where made for VAs and come with an .exe which prevents me from looking into the documentation. I won't download and run the .exe just to find that the artist has his facts wrong and got mixed up with the models.
Keep in mind that often when you find in the File Description something like --> Author: Erick Cantu, FFX, Leonardo Da Hinch <-- it might just imply that Cantu made the base textures rather than the actual aircraft.
I know, I know, you know all that... just reminding you. 😀
I'll be watching this thread -- got me curious now.
don't worry, i found it 😀
released under ffx - i'm glad he let people bundle the model with paints
I saw this one Hinch. Just wonder where you are going to get the .air and .mdl from... flightsim? SGA has closed shop long ago.
But then, I have no idea what your real intentions are anyway. Probably cooking up something in your cauldron for us to stare at in awe and bewilderment. 😳
nope - it's fully packaged inc. model!
it appealed to me ^
Glad you found it 🙂
You're playing tricks on me Hinch
Now you got me downloading it 'cause all I could see in the zip were bitmaps.
Here we are:
3 notepad text files and only
1 texture folder (texture.aeo)
Inside the folder 56 bitmaps - nothing else as expected.
oh...well i downloaded *that airline* texture and it came with all the bits and bobs 😛
Sky synonymous with Aeolos Airlines Virtual...?
Now you got me really thinking 🤔
nothing to do with a va! just a special paintjob i like
And here's me thinking all along that VA stands for Virtual Airline 😳
Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications
Aeolos Airlines Virtual Boeing 734 New Colours ZipDive! DownloadImages related to this file:
* aeolos_ffx_b734_new-1.jpg
* aeolos_ffx_b734_new-2.jpgFile Description:
Replacement textures for "Aeolos Airlines Virtual" FFX Boeing 737-400. You must have the aircraft files for FFX B734.Filename: aeolos_ffx_b734_new.zip
License: Check within download
Added: 30th December 2003
Downloads: 268
Author: Konstantinos Siderakis
Size: 1329kb
I'm sure I'm missing something... now if only I could figure out what
hum, i'll see if i have the file in the bin...
ffx737a3.zip is not available at avsim, yet the link you provided in your second post is an avsim link... more mysteries
Just booked a flight to Tyrol -- wait till I get my hands on you
😀 😀 😀
i just did a search - it's there!! promise promise!
and i am not scared as i'm in england...until winter. eeep.
Oh yeah, it's there all right -- just like the pope is in Rome.
It's just that finally, after much ado you've actually bothered to post the link to the file in question rather than pulling la-dee-da scraps out of your bin thinking that'll do.
Maybe it's all my fault as a seem to be the only fool who takes your links and opinions seriously... I put it down to my old fashioned upbringing.
Don't take me wrong, your still my hero and I regard you as the greatest texture artist who ever graced the flightsim sites. It's just that I'm growing a bit weary of the cat and mouse attitude and see myself forced to approach the forums at other sites when I have questions regarding your creations.
What a waste.
Tyrol or England -- I'll get to you -- one has connections
i've been one for specifics - i'm much too much of a daydreaming dappy sort of person who appreciates angel delight whipped so much it's like eating a cloud.
seriously > i'm not joking
i'm a bum
but you could have had the plane hours ago as i did provide the correct file name second time around 🙂
p.s. you have questions about my creations yet ask on another forum? ominous. i am much intrigued...
Point noted - but not accepted. Some folks here take your advice, contributions and links seriously.
Misleading links and half cooked opinions just spam the boards.
misleading links? could i have an example because i believe i provide only relevant ones - admittedly on this occasion i got the wrong one at first.
half cooked opinions? again i'm going to need an example.
educate me - i'm interested.
(that wasn't sarcasm)
((nor was that^))
I'm under no obligation to prove anything to you.
If you require proof, don't try and use me as your serf. Take some time out and research the archives to scrutinize your posts in your own time.
I wouldn't accuse you of sarcasm because I know that's not you. What stretches my patience at times is that you don't seem to find it necessary to articulate yourself in a half decent, legible manner on these boards. Nor do you find it appropriate to reread your posts and eliminate at least some of the spelling mistakes that have miraculously krept in. I'll give you one example: cortices...? If Immanuel takes your "advice" seriously. he'll be by now tearing his hair out wondering what neurons of the cerebrum have to do with the question he asked.
I am aware that texting is perhaps the only appropriate way within the cell phone environment. But, believe it or not, there are thousands of members frequenting flightsim portals worldwide who quite comfortably switch between the 'texting' environment and the traditional environment more appropriate on flightsim forums - so why can't you do it?
We all make spelling mistakes. Would you like to go back and correct the amount of times you've spelt business, with 4 S's instead of 3? Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't find "bussiness" in any online dictionary on Google
i'm quite offended you find my language similar to that of 'txt spk' - or at least think my posts are abbreviated so much that they could find into the maximum characters availible in an sms.
i find these forums relaxing, somewhere where a virtual 'chat' can take place. when speaking humans make errors, and since i can type as fast i can talk the same takes place. at least in speech 'typos' do not occur and misunderstandings can happen - of course this happens more frequently online with no intonation. but that isn't really the point is it...
proof reading on my half is needed, i shall take a mental note and take more care in the future. i still however take heart in that my messages are far more legible than some memebers of this forum or indeed the 'help' paperwork sent to me from university...
i am fully aware in many of my posts i leave simple sentence answers and some common sense on the receiever is required. i am also aware what 'common sense' is defined differently by many - but if all posts were like my university paperwork scrutinizing each point with multiple eventualities for each point the internet would become a monotonous, irritating and bureaucratic place - and where would we find any self discovery then
tailhook, i am also quite worried that my light heartedness irritates you - this topic being my example. my replies have all been made with good intentions and a smile on my face, but i read yours as if they are written with your eyebrows like this \ / - perhaps less mad and more frown-like i wouldn't like to speculate 🙂
99jolegg wrote:
We all make spelling mistakes. Would you like to go back and correct the amount of times you've spelt business, with 4 S's instead of 3? Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't find "bussiness" in any online dictionary on Google
I find it strange you should find it necessary to weigh into this debate at all. After all no-one is completely free of spelling mistakes or grammatical ones as it were. Not even you. By the way, where were you when hinch asked his initial question at the beginning of this thread? Too much trouble to dig for something that hinch obviously hadn't been able to find yet? Or perhaps too time-consuming? After all in the twenty minutes or more it would have taken possibly resulting in a fruitless outcome you could have added at least another 10 posts to your tally. Why waste your time in time-consuming searches while you could push your post tally higher by feeding meaningless links that are either out of date because RadarMan posted them a year ago or links that are quicker to post because the recipient won't get a file description with it - in the spirit, just download what I tell you (regardless of the file size), if you don't like it you can always delete it.
Since you're obviously too busy to read the complete thread, I'll sum it up for you:
hinch was looking for a ...400 model my ffx/kittyhawk/cantu.. [note the word 'model'. Since several hours later no-one had come up with a solution (not even you) despite being sure that it was almost impossible to come by, I started digging. No luck... but surprise, surprise, hinch had found one and promptly provided the link to it but alas, as is characteristic of the 'why bother with details' attitude it was the wrong link. This hovewer was only established after many unnecessary posts.
If my criticisms are misconstrued as something they are not and if anyone takes umbrage at my speaking out on issues that have become so obvious to anyone who actually reads the threads instead of just tagging on to the last post of a topic, please speak up - start hammering me.
But, I will not go away. Instead, I'll join the post whore club and use the method so widely used by the 'more respectable members' which will not expose any spelling mistakes ...lol..
😀 👍 👏 🍻
👍 🍻 👏
I won't be gracing that post with a detailed response as I won't argue with you here.
Good day / night to you.
Is it going to be, "Handbags at 10 paces" ???? 😂
99jolegg wrote:
I won't be gracing that post with a detailed response as I won't argue with you here.
Good day / night to you.
More like it would take up to much of your precious time.
No disrespect meant though, esteemed apprentice Moderator [sp?]
violentviolet wrote:
Is it going to be, "Handbags at 10 paces" ???? 😂
I wish i could understand what it means ...I bet its something good...So i laugh in advance 😂 😂 😂
i've quite enjoyed this conversation - it's been like a colourful debate, but i feel it is a little strange why it should happen in my topic. in one way it may be to set an example (of sorts) because as a more senior member perhaps i should set a good example for spelling, grammar and accuracy - but equally if you had said the same to a new member they may have simply turned and told you where to go / 'why are you mad *insert inuendo*.
maybe that's being too cynical of me, i don't know or really care
the first mistake was made because to find the model i downloaded many until i got one with a model - so at least i did the hard* work.
* downloading is not hard work but it is tedious and therefore hard for someone with a rubbish concentration span
anyway, i believe this topic needs fluffing!
anyway, i believe this topic needs fluffing!
My thoughts precisely! [sp?] 👍
Greekman72 wrote:
violentviolet wrote:
Is it going to be, "Handbags at 10 paces" ???? 😂
I wish i could understand what it means
...I bet its something good...So i laugh in advance 😂 😂 😂
Think 2 old ladies having a duel. 😂
violentviolet wrote:
Greekman72 wrote:
violentviolet wrote:
Is it going to be, "Handbags at 10 paces" ???? 😂
I wish i could understand what it means
...I bet its something good...So i laugh in advance 😂 😂 😂
Think 2 old ladies having a duel. 😂
Greekman72 wrote:
violentviolet wrote:
Greekman72 wrote:
violentviolet wrote:
Is it going to be, "Handbags at 10 paces" ???? 😂
I wish i could understand what it means
...I bet its something good...So i laugh in advance 😂 😂 😂
Think 2 old ladies having a duel. 😂
👍 👍 👍
Well, that didn't take long, about 13 days by my count.
i don't drink beer so i'll pretend it's a cup of tea 😀
A cup of herbal tea by any chance? I get a bit suspicious looking at the landing in your Avatar [sp?]
that's a crosswind landing i'm very proud of! pfft pfft!
herbal eh? not my thing either hippy tea or hippy herbs - maketea.co.uk 😀
Easily said in retrospect -- I still think you were under the influence [sp?] 😀
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