Bye Bye Nvidia

Pro Member First Officer
Donald Stratton (GoneGolfing) First Officer

After going thru 2 nvidia cards in the past 3 weeks a GeForce 7800 GS 256MB and a GeForce 6200 256 and very bad performance, i sent them back to nvidia with a love note and picked myself up an ATI x1600 pro 512 and i am very impressed at the performance and quality, in FS2004 my frames went from my standard 14 fps to 83 fps and my frames in very dense areas went from 7 fps to 48 fps with no more glitching i even got rid of the dreaded black box in the main screen. My comp specs are 2.5 gig ram 3.6 gig amd ath, just with a graphics upgrade its now a whole new experience flying 🙂. Now my son is hinting to me for one for his comp 😞.

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Pro Member First Officer
KenTel First Officer

Going from a 256 mem card to a 512 will give an improvement. As to nVidia being rubbish, I suggest you look at the rest of your hardware, and Bios.

I get up to 185fps with nVidia, if I set the fps without limit in fs9 settings, but it then drops to around 85fps at times.

Pro Member First Officer
Donald Stratton (GoneGolfing) First Officer

Nvidia is by far not crap, i always been an nvidia fan. But with all the driver updates they had and using just about every updated driver i never had no success running FS9 with an nvidia card.

"I suggest you look at the rest of your hardware, and Bios."

Not much hardware to speak of on my machine seeing that theres only a nic card and my gaphics card 🙂. As for bois, its been flashed with the newest version. As for memory, im running 1x3 gig corsair and the latest via drivers. On the other hand my MOB lacks high end gaming capabilities such as it being an abit kv7333 and a 4x agp, ill be upgrading that in a few more months once i get the bills out of the way and my wifey lets the strip of the credit card cool down.
As for fps all im really concerned about is running atleast 25 fps in all phases of the sim and i have my fps slider locked at 25 with a steady 24.9 fps through out the sim. Thanks for your replies guys, as this post is meant for an FYI and thought i would post my results after upgrade. Note on ATI though is that the only con i found using this card so far is the catalyst software, it dont have my favorite color vibrance like nvidia has.

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