FSP bug?

DThak Guest

I just downloaded the FSP demo from the FSP site. After figuring out all the steps, creating new company, loading passengers etc.. I've got a weird problem.

When I go to take off my plane is turning heavily to the left. Once I get into the air it continues it's steep left turn. I have the auto-rudder setting on but I dont think it's related to that. Doesn't feel like gyro rotation (sorry if thats not what it's called) or wind.

I tried exiting the FSP flight and created a normal flight and the problem is still there. However if I re-start FS9 and create a normal flight insted of a FSP one the problem is gone. When I switch back to FSP it comes back.

Oh BTW the aircraft is a Cessna Skyhawk......


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DThak Guest

Sorry to double post...

I tried someother light GA aircraft and it's happening with them too. In the 737 though I didn't see it, I trimmed the rudded quite a bit and it seemed to fix it. Im fairly new to FS and don't fly with the rudder much so I think that this might be normal on a higher realism setting.

Do you always have to trim out the rudder drasticly like that?

Also does FSP automatically make you play with high control realism?

Sorry again, thanks to anyone who might be able to help.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
DThak Guest

Thanks Radarman, I'm looking over it now. I think that it is un-related to my stick though because on a "normal" flight I don't have this problem.
I'll try those fixes though and see how it comes out.

Also, do you use the auto-rudder and if not, do you have to trim it out before you get airborne?

Thanks again.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

You might want to try the FSPassengers support forum.

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