Error on Install

swilbraham Guest

Trying to install Flight Simulator X deluxe version.
During final moments of install error appears stating "unable to register font" then install closes and removes all installed files.
Anyone come accross this prolem and if so any idea of whats causing it?
Thanks in advance

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Delete your Nero software in the control panel, "Add or Remove Programs".
Then start/search and type in nero, delete all you find.
Reboot and it should load.


swilbraham Guest

Error being displayed reads:

Error 1722. There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor

This is still happening at the Registering fonts stage of the installation.

I have removed all traces of Nero.


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
peteUK Guest

I have the same problem. tried multiple fixes, downloaded updated windows installer, removed anti virus and firewalls, nero. everything but the kitchen sink

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Some programs can't read certain DVD burners.
Programs always load better with a DVD (CD) drive.
That could be your problem.
You do have about 25 gigs free space.


tubaboy24 Guest

i wanted to add my two cents here. I bought the game on tuesday, and have always had this problem. Talked to tech support, and let's just say that 2hrs on hold wasn't worth it. i'm going to give them another call tomorrow and see if they have any more ideas.

to add, i did manage to run the game by ending the install process after the error messege comes up, rather than telling to to reverse the action. Unfortunatley, I can't find a way to verify/activate the program, as this would be the next step of a sucessful installation.


Its official. I have given up with FSX. I went to the extremes of doing a full system restore on my PC, clean XP SP2 installation. Defragged drives. No other games/software present and still this infernal error message. The DVD's will now become £60 drinks coasters. 😂

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

Its official. I have given up with FSX. I went to the extremes of doing a full system restore on my PC, clean XP SP2 installation. Defragged drives. No other games/software present and still this infernal error message. The DVD's will now become £60 drinks coasters. 😂

What do you mean by "clean up", you have to have SP2 and all of Windows updates for it to load.

What error message. Guest means that you are one of a dozen.



Sorry, maybe i wasnt being too clear in my explanation.

What i try to say is that after formatting both of my hard drives, I installed XP. to this i applied the SP2 pack and all updates available. i have installed no other software to the machine yet. Only software added is drivers for my graphics, sound and saitek x52. the error i get is the same as your man at the start of the thread. 'Error 1722. There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor'

I run a P4 3.6HT
1gb ddr
500gb SATA drives
ATI X600XT with 256mb onboard
Soundblaster Audigy external sound

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

Sorry, maybe i wasnt being too clear in my explanation.

What i try to say is that after formatting both of my hard drives, I installed XP. to this i applied the SP2 pack and all updates available. i have installed no other software to the machine yet. Only software added is drivers for my graphics, sound and saitek x52. the error i get is the same as your man at the start of the thread. 'Error 1722. There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor'

I run a P4 3.6HT
1gb ddr
500gb SATA drives
ATI X600XT with 256mb onboard
Soundblaster Audigy external sound

You don't have any other software on the computer, Word, Office, Nero nothing?

tubaboy24 Guest

sorry, neither of those suggestions worked. i'm going into round 2 with tech support tomorrow morning, so i'll let you know what happens there...

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

tubaboy24 wrote:

sorry, neither of those suggestions worked. i'm going into round 2 with tech support tomorrow morning, so i'll let you know what happens there...

Sorry, I'd like to know what they have to say.
Good luck!



I am having a similar problem, except that when it comes to the "insert Disk Two" prompt, I put in disk two, click "okay" and the prompt comes rightback telling me to insert disk two... I have returned to the store I bought FSX from and swapped for a fresh copy only to get the same results. I have also reflashed my "ASUS DVD-rw 1608-p3s" with the latest and greatest firmware, reinstalled my Windows Installer packages, and thown my chicken bones.

I belive it to be a scriping issue with the installer, I am seeing two instances of "IDriver.exe" and four instances of "MSIEXEC.exe"...
I am running an Intel Pentium D at 2.8 GHz, with 2GB of DDR2 Ram, A 100GB Western Digital SATA HDD, and a Nvidia GeForce 7600GT PCIExpress 16 video card...
Any thoughts???

bigpeteUK Guest

It seems this problem is beyond my capabilities to solve. Installation will be shelved for the forseeable future. If by some miracle a genius is amongst us and solves, award him/her the nobel prize. I have been using flight sim since FS5 and this is the first time i've been truly stumped

tubaboy24 Guest

Anonymous wrote:

I belive it to be a scriping issue with the installer, I am seeing two instances of "IDriver.exe" and four instances of "MSIEXEC.exe"...

yeah, from what i have been able to hear from microsoft, that is a sign of the problem, but just ending the extra instances won't fix it. Now they just have to call me back when they aren't "experiencing a high volume of callers" and maybe they can get to the bottom of this...

Guest Guest

I am waiting for the same call back. I spoke to a manager and either we fix it today or we have a conferences call scheduled with the refund department. Refund department opens in 6 minutes so the "techies" are running out of time.

I am curious, are the people having this problem loading this game on more than one pc/laptop?

ozypara Guest

i am also having the disk 2 problem and have tried to install on another computer with success. un fortunately not on my computer

navalaircrewman177 Guest

My wife purchased FlightSim X Deluxe for me while TDY back in the States. When I install it I have no problems until it asks for the 2nd Disc. When I put the 2nd disc it will continue to ask for it and will not continue installing. Any word from or ideas that our trusted Microsoft company has mentioned. Oh I love the support they have on their website on troubleshooting. It's a winner!
I have an AMD 4600 (dual core) CPU, 1 gig of ram, 2 NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT/GTO graphics cards, Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-111D drive, and my computer runs with the latest updates on all drivers to include XP. Please Help.....

StinkyJoe Guest

I'm also having a problem with FSX, right at the end, the installation freezes on "Publishing Product" (or something similar), and without any error message it rollsback completely, then, when i exit the installation i get an error (Unable to finish installation), i tried stopping the intallation before it rolledback, but when i tried to run it i got a "MSXML 4 SP2 component is not installed" error.

Also, for those of you that can't get past the 2nd DVD, did you try copying the DVD's contents to your disk into 2 folders with the original DVD's name, and then run it from your HD? That worked for me on some other games.

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