shift + enter

Pro Member First Officer
Vin4evr First Officer

"Shift + enter" or "shift + backspace" does not work "well" in flight sim x like flight sim 04. does anyone know of any of any other commands to view down while fliying? I find it very diffcicult to view the runway sometimes getting close to the airport with the command not working. In flight sim 04, i used to assign shift + enter and shift + backspace on my keys on the joystick and I used to toggle back and forth. Pelase post any suggestions. Thanks

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Pro Member Captain
Sean (SeanGa) Captain

I'm wondering the same thing... I landed off the runway once because of that :p

Pro Member First Officer
Vin4evr First Officer

yeap..I thought I was all alone...Its very difficult to evn view the scenery after take off in cockpit.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
Vin4evr First Officer

I have tried all the possible ways with the downloaded keyboard shorcuts. Still doesnt work. Anyone have any paticular suggestions on how to do this?

Pro Member First Officer
Faucett First Officer

There's always the panel transparancy slider.

Pro Member First Officer
Vin4evr First Officer

how do y'all handle this diffciculty?does anyone used to us shift + enter to view down in sim 04?

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