FS2004 - is it hard for newbies?

Guest Guest

I am considering purchasing FS2004; I live near a small private airport in Texas and really love to watch the planes take off and land. I have debated several times whether to take flying lessons or not (its mostly a matter of money 😞 )

So, in the interim, I have been debating whether to purchase FS2004 because I have never taken flying lessons. So, is it too hard to learn for a complete newbie?


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

This is my first one and I didn't find flying and landing the small aircraft difficult at all.
The larger jet liners take some practice and if you like you can take the free lessons that are built into the sim.
All in all I think it's not as hard as most imagine.

Scroll to the bottom.
Se ya back here soon! 👍



Guest2 Guest

With the introductory flight and the lessons, you can be up and flying in very little time. In general, flying is not that difficult-- landing is the tricky part. But you can start with very basic, slow flying planes and when you are comfortable with those, move to something with more performance. Or not.

I would have to say, though, if FS2004 is "too hard" for you, you shouldn't go for the flying lessons in a real plane. The same goes for the "matter of money," if you can't afford FS2004, you probably can't afford to fly a real plane either. 😉

I say go for it.


Pro Member Captain
WarHawk42 Captain

Guest wrote:

I am considering purchasing FS2004; I live near a small private airport in Texas and really love to watch the planes take off and land. I have debated several times whether to take flying lessons or not (its mostly a matter of money 😞 )

So, in the interim, I have been debating whether to purchase FS2004 because I have never taken flying lessons. So, is it too hard to learn for a complete newbie?


The lessons in FS2004 are pretty good. They will guide you through the basics. There is a lot of information in the help
section to help you out too.

In my opinion if you are interested in learning to fly FS2004 is a good place to start.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Alex (Fire_Emblem_Master) Chief Captain

Hello! I certainly hope you are still around here...FS04 is pretty darn realistic, and as such, you should expect to run into some problems as you try and advance to the larger aircraft. It's simple to begin, difficult to master, and near impossible to get tired of!

In my simple opinion, it is not hard to learn at all. As many of the members have suggested, its best to take the lessons. Good thing is, you can skip things that you may already know, or may not need to know right away. for example, the "Steep Turns" lesson...I didnt take it untill a short time ago, didnt hurt me any.

It also depends on how far you want to go with the sim. If you just want to stay flying small props, then by all means it'll start rather simple, and stay simple. But if you want to fly jets, you'll realize soon that it gets and stays complicated! But i think there's nothign more rewarding than flying and landing a Boeing MD-11 on a rainy day in chicago!

Pro Member First Officer
Netz Rafi (Rafi) First Officer

As you can see all of us recommending to buy fs2004. Why? Because we crazy about it. So to be a little realistic to enjoj it you have to own a good (very good) computer. So you should ask your self (and us) about it


Thanks for the information. I decided to purchase the simulation and started taking the lessons. It is sure a lot of fun. 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

👍 Good for you, we told you the truth and now your enjoying it. Have fun like we do.



So, if i want to download some of the planes from the site....where do i install the files in FS2004?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

So, if i want to download some of the planes from the site....where do i install the files in FS2004?

You need WinZip to unzip the folders.
You can get the trial one at WinZip it's the best you can use and the trial will last for years.

I think I know what you are asking but I try answering two ways.
One, If you cannot find your downloads to "unzip" them, send them to "My Computer", "My Briefcase" or even to "Desktop".
You can enter them from any of those areas.
I download to a folder that I have in "My Briefcase" it's just handy for me that way.
I do it a more complicated way, but it works.
Make certain you have a full aircraft not just textures.

Unzip the file and now it's in it's own little window, you work from there. Dump the jpgs.


dblc on "My Computer"
dblc on The "C" drive icon.
dblc on "Program files"
dblc on "Microsoft Games".
dblc on "Flight Simulator.

Now you have all the folders laid out in front of you.
Follow the directions in the read-me that came with the aircraft.
Put the gauges in the gauge folder.
Put the effects in the effects folder.
Put the aircraft in the aircraft folder; make certain it has the correct name of the plane.

Now go crash land like I do.


Pro Member Trainee
Steeev Trainee

The most difficult thing about FS2004 is sitting through the video introductions by John and Martha King! Awful!
Puke Up

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