FPS question

Pro Member Trainee
skypilot2 Trainee

❓ How does one check the frames per second on the fsx game. I just can't seem to figure out how to do that. I am no where close to being a pc guru. I know just enough to get in trouble LOL

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dme43 Guest

shift + z
im not sure if it works on FSX

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

skypilot2 wrote:

❓ How does one check the frames per second on the fsx game. I just can't seem to figure out how to do that. I am no where close to being a pc guru. I know just enough to get in trouble LOL

Shift+z twice

Pro Member Trainee
skypilot2 Trainee

Hey capt. Works just like ya said. I was wondering if it's working proper. It shows lower fps in dense areas and higher fps in low dense areas. Seems right to me. I'm getting from 15 to 28 fps......

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