AI aircraft

Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer

do you ever chase them? fly with them?
i have started to do this just messin around. i find it not too hard to fly with the ga stuff if i am flying something comparable. however, tonight i was trying to fly with a 737 while i was in a raptor. i found it much harder to do. what are your methods for matching speed? i am thinking stuff like this might make for interesting screenies.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

I often intercept the AI aircraft with my Northrop T-38 Talon. I like to tuck in and fly formation but FS won't allow me to get as close as I would like without crashing or losing all speed(crash detection off). Matching speed is a challenge, it's done visually as in real aircraft.

Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer

CRJCapt wrote:

I often intercept the AI aircraft with my Northrop T-38 Talon. I like to tuck in and fly formation but FS won't allow me to get as close as I would like without crashing or losing all speed(crash detection off). Matching speed is a challenge, it's done visually as in real aircraft.

what do you mean, "losing all speed"? i noticed that when i would get close to the 737, i would hit the speed brakes, and slow down. once the jetliner would begin to pull away, it took forever to catch up, alot longer than i think it would in real life. i do have crash detection disabled.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

cheezyflier wrote:

.. i was trying to fly with a 737 while i was in a raptor. i found it much harder to do. what are your methods for matching speed?

I gave up chasing airliners with jetfighters.

If you're about to overshoot the mark and hit the brakes, you're likely to lose the target out of sight. If you have to make a sudden manoeuvre or do a steep turn, you'll have to slow down so much that such a heavy, powerful crate probably falls out of the sky.

My best experiences have been with the P-51. Very fast and nimble, you get into a stall, easy to recover and back up to speed in no time... yeahhh 😀

Don't know what the official speed is of the P-51, but in FS, you'll keep up and overtake if you want to, any airliner near an airport.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

cheezyflier wrote:

what do you mean, "losing all speed"?

If you have " Detect crash and damage" selected and "Allow aircraft collision" deselected, your airspeed drops to zero if you hit another aircraft. Better to select "Ignore crashes and damage", the way you have it set.

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