How do I access the "Virtual Cabin" view in FSX? I've seen cool screenshots of them, but i can't find them in none of my views on any of my aircraft. Is it on any of the default aircraft? Can anyone please help me?
Download and print out all the keyboard commands.
OK - OK - I'll listen to the wife and get my eyes checked (I'm due anyway) but I can't seem to find the command to see the "Virtual Cabin". I can see Virtual Cockpit, but no cabin.
The other one I can't seem to find is to tell ATC I am declaring an emergency. I had a gear problem and wanted to declare it, but couldnt - tried laying in the 7777 transponder code and was told to "put it back" by ATC. Hmmm. Can't you do that in FSX?
The Virtual Cabin views are only available on certain aircraft. I don't think the default aircraft has any cabin views (they might). Usually, to see them, you go to the View menu, choose View Mode and then Aircraft and the views should be there. As for ATC emergencies, i've always wanted to do that but have no idea how.
I use the highhat on my stick but you can use the keypad, numlock on.
RadarMan wrote:
I use the highhat on my stick but you can use the keypad, numlock on.
I use the highhat to look around the cockpit, but no joy finding the cabin views. Anyway - any advise on calling emergencies when FSX decides to overspeed a prop on me?
Do you know about TrackIR? If you want to be able to look around look at this little goodie.
Now I just need to learn to fly. I can crash very good fyling well that's another thing.
What's that old adage? Flying is the SECOND greatest thrill to man, LANDING is the first. It just takes practice, practice, practice. Get yourself into the pattern and do some dedicated field work - like touch and goes. May get boring, but it will make you better.
jellrod wrote:
It just takes practice, practice, practice. Get yourself into the pattern and do some dedicated field work - like touch and goes. May get boring, but it will make you better.
Well said jellrod.
I couldn't even land a Cessna in calm conditions. I got myself a handful of WWII fighters and pulled my atlas from the shelf, sat down and with the aid of the FS map I mapped out ... almost the whole world.
A huge notebook and a pen is all I used. First I made a list of all the continents and territories. Then I decided to start with Asia. I might have started with Malaysia. I wrote down every single Malaysian airport available in FS and proceeded to first land and then TO at each - that was before I discovered the ease and beauty of touch and go... erm ATC? What's ATC?
Having finished with one country, I'd move on to the next until I'd done all of south and east Asia. I think I went to Russia and the former Soviet Union next. In some areas of Russia the distances between airports were too long for my nimble fighters so I took up the Learjet for the first time - plenty of long rwys in Russia.. I needed those in the Lear
At some stage I found that a default 737 was much easier to land compared to the Learjet. (Haven't really flown a Lear since) by the time I moved to Africa, I'd started experimenting with the 747. Everything was purely hand flown during that time, I had no idea how to switch on ATC, let alone how to use it, and I DID NOT KNOW that the a/c had working auto pilots.
So looking at the west coast of Africa from north to south, there are many small countries, some have only one airport. At this stage of my learning period I'd decided that I would only use the 747 for arriving in and departing from a country. That stretch of the african west coast is ideal for hand flying the 747 because you don't get a chance to climb too high unless you wanna end up on the other side of the Atlantic. I flew everything just visual - no, not VFR - had no idea it even existed.
Next I figured out the most basic functions of the GPS. Now I didn't have to pause and check the map and my heading any longer.
One day I was cruising and listening to music when ATC sprang to life as if by magic. I was quite overwhelmed with paranoia when that happened - who would have thought some guy can see what I'm doing with my a/c 😳
Of course I couldn't postpone learning how to use the ATC any longer. That was a piece of cake though, however, I followed ATC's instructions to the letter from then on.
I better come to an end here. Handflying touch and gos is great practice. Even when handflying, basic procedures can be observed such as when to deploy flaps and gear etc.
I think a lot of kids struggle unnecessarily when they first take up flightsimming because they want to do everything perfect by the numbers on their first flight. That's a helluva workload. It's supposed to be fun!
I couldn't agree more. Don't try to be the military "jet-jock" or the civilian Concord Captain out of the box. Just like in real life - baby steps. I started on a Grumman Cheetah (real life). No gear to sweat, just pattern work. Got to where I could grease a landing in the worst conditions. Then mean I can go places??? WOW. VOR, TACAN, Class B airspace, whats that? I'm below assigned altitude? Who are you? Oh, yes sir mister ATC dude. That was 30 years ago. Then came the US Navy. More field work. It takes practice, practice, practice and more practice. Then when you think you are good enough, practice some more. Try doing engine out landings then. Make it so all your instruments are blank (total electrical failure) and fly the approach by the "seat of your pants". When you can do it as a second nature, the you are close to being a "good stick". That is the fun of the FSX, you can get good in one type, but then jump to another type and WOW - need a check ride....I crashed the 747 my first 5 times I tried to fly it.
Ok. Someone replied that the default aircraft doesn't have a "Virtual Cabin View". I know there are buttloads of downloads out there, but can anyone give me some links to where I could download some civilian aircraft that do have the cabin view, or maybe a download that can add-on a virtual cabin view to the existing default aircraft. Thanks !
The only one I have found so far is the BAe Hawker and it can be found on this forum in the download section Civil Jets. Its not much, you look around from the cockpit and see back into the cabin, and it has a cute blond sitting right seat (rarely fly it when the wife is around - she's a brunette).
BHortonAP13 wrote:
Ok. Someone replied that the default aircraft doesn't have a "Virtual Cabin View". I know there are buttloads of downloads out there, but can anyone give me some links to where I could download some civilian aircraft that do have the cabin view, or maybe a download that can add-on a virtual cabin view to the existing default aircraft. Thanks !
If you want to benefit from those 'buttloads of downloads' you'll have to get fs9 🙂)
The cabin view cannot be added to an existing a/c. It has to be included in the original model. I haven't checked out the BAe Hawker mentioned above, but I'm actually quite surprised that anyone has bothered making a cabin for a freeware a/c already.
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