I just downloaded the Antonov An-224 Mriya, the world's biggest airliner from Russia for those who are unfamiliar with the aircraft. I was wondering other than Edwards Airforce Base, what other airports are suitable for this plane, and what airports does it usually travel from? I know most of them would be in Russia and the rest of Europe.
Last time I looked there was only one still in service, somewhere in Europe.
BTW, it's actually an AN-225 and was buit as a strategic airlift transport aircraft and never as an airliner.
You can take off from practically any RWY a 737 for example can TO. You might have to adjust your Fuel and Payload prior to loading the flight though.
From memory, the AN-225 has even limited STOL capabilities -- but don't quote me on that. 😀
Where can i download the AN-225 Myria for FSX?
b3mmredm wrote:
Where can i download the AN-225 Myria for FSX?
Try this.
I actually got off simviation
Antonov An-225
➡ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonov_An-225#Specifications_.28An-225.29
Takeoff run: 3,500 m (11,500 ft) with maximum payload
CRJCapt wrote:
Takeoff run: 3,500 m (11,500 ft) with maximum payload
This certainly doesn't apply to the AN-225 in FS. You wouldn't know this of course because you don't even have FSX and you've never bothered downloading and flying the FS AN-225 which, by the way is also available for fs9.
As usual your 'knowledge' is second hand.
Tailhook wrote:
This certainly doesn't apply to the AN-225 in FS. You wouldn't know this of course because you don't even have FSX and you've never bothered downloading and flying the FS AN-225 which, by the way is also available for fs9. As usual your 'knowledge' is second hand.
The problem with many of the free aircraft is that the flight model is trash. Many don't come with a panel and you have to use a default panel, a F-4 with a Learjet panel makes no sense to me, just fly the Learjet. Many have the flight model aliased to the default aircraft also. If the FS aircraft won't perform somewhat like the real aircraft with the appropriate panel, I don't want it.
It's no secret that I don't have FSX(I often tell everyone), it won't run on my computer. Maybe I should put it in my signature. Why is what programs I have or don't have any concern of anyone else is beyond me. I think it's stupid to pay over $70(maybe more in Singapore or France, I've lost track) for FSX just to poke around when you know that your computer can't handle the program. How do you know I don't have a An-225? A more important question would be why do you care?
My information above was for the real aircraft. It was from an encyclopedia so I guess it is second hand information. Since we don't have any An-225 pilots on the forum, that will have to do.
It's just a jealous attempt at making me look bad. Please!...why do you care?
CRJCapt wrote:
My information above was for the real aircraft. It was from an encyclopedia so I guess it is second hand information. Since we don't have any An-225 pilots on the forum, that will have to do.
Your reliance on real life aircraft and real life pilots is irrelevant as we are concerned with a computergame called Microsoft Flight Simulator here.
Now hopefully that clears up a few issues for you. If that rocks your boat, I suggest you hang out with the 'elite brotherhood' where referring to MSFS as a game will provoke the death sentence.
Calm down guys 😉
I resent the fact that you're using the plural. Serenity is my usual state of mind. You have not seen me agitated yet.
Be afraid - be very afraid
BTW, "Calm down guys" is one of those patronizing, frequently used comments that serve no other purpose than exposing that the poster hasn't read the whole thread and therefore hasn't got a clue what it's all about -- or simply wants to add another post to his count.
If you're so concerned about CRJ's standing , reputation and well-being, I suggest you join him in the Chatroom where ego-polishing, group huggings and other niceties take priority. I'm sure you'll be more than welcome there and as an added bonus you won't have to put up with the likes of me. 😀
Tailhook wrote:
You have not seen me agitated yet.
Be afraid - be very afraid![]()
This is true, this is very true....those toys can come flying out of that pram at great speed 😁
And my am I flattered you have your signature dedicated to my profile ❤️ Too kind Mr Tailhook.
Tailhook wrote:
If you're so concerned about CRJ's standing , reputation and well-being, I suggest you join him in the Chatroom where ego-polishing, group huggings and other niceties take priority. I'm sure you'll be more than welcome there and as an added bonus you won't have to put up with the likes of me. 😀
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Oh yes 😂 ...You envy 😂 ...Too much ❗ 😂 ...If we hold your nose you are going to blow 😂 😂 😂
Come oooon...Dont push yourself my dearest friend 😀
...Come there...Come...We all gonna be good and patient with you...
Besides,we certainly need some funny people
BTW...Did you get your medications today ❓ ...If you join us we will remind it to you so you will have all the needed time to help us,instead of searching your diary for the correct days and hours...
See ❓ We start already taking care of you 😉
Euh..okay all I was asking was if anyone knew good runways where to take off with the Antonov...dont need to know everybody's opinion on what's real and what's not. Thanks anyways but I think this is going a little too far off subject.
mat3329 wrote:
Euh..okay all I was asking was if anyone knew good runways where to take off with the Antonov...dont need to know everybody's opinion on what's real and what's not. Thanks anyways but I think this is going a little too far off subject.
Edwards AFB in Ca. KEDW
mat3329 wrote:
Euh..okay all I was asking was if anyone knew good runways where to take off with the Antonov...dont need to know everybody's opinion on what's real and what's not. Thanks anyways but I think this is going a little too far off subject.
I've already answered your question to the best of my knowledge AND experience as I've been flying and experimenting with the AN-225 ever since FS2002.
If you're averse to departures of the original topic, fear not as it only happens occassionally, namely when the 'Three Musketeers' who seem to be joined by their hips get so bored in their Chatroom-Bonding-Club that their only reprieve is an escape to the good old Flyaway forums.
Yup thanks guys, Edwards it is, actually tried it but was never able to lift off runway 35 which is pretty darn long, will check my payload and that next time. Oh and thanks for all the info and all. The chatter was pretty funny actually but was hoping for runways instead, but got the best answers I could so no worries hahaha. Was just hoping for more stuff 😛 👍
The Myra AN 225 was designed to carry the shuttle and therefore did not need STOL/unpaved capability.
The 20 longest runways in the United States are:
Denver Intl Airport (DEN) in Denver, CO has a 16,000' x 200' runway.
Southern California Logistics Airport (VCV) in Victorville, CA has a 15,050' x 150' runway.
Edwards AFB Airport (EDW) in Edwards, CA has a 15,013' x 300' runway.
Nasa Shuttle Landing Facility Airport (X6😎 in Titusville, FL has a 15,000' x 300' runway.
Vandenberg AFB Airport (VBG) in Lompoc, CA has a 15,000' x 200' runway.
John F Kennedy Intl Airport (JFK) in New York, NY has a 14,572' x 150' runway.
Mc Carran Intl Airport (LAS) in Las Vegas, NV has a 14,510' x 150' runway.
Eielson AFB Airport (EIL) in Fairbanks, AK has a 14,507' x 150' runway.
Fallon Nas /Van Voorhis Fld/ Airport (NFL) in Fallon, NV has a 14,003' x 201' runway.
Fairchild AFB Airport (SKA) in Spokane, WA has a 13,901' x 200' runway.
Albuquerque Intl Sunport Airport (ABQ) in Albuquerque, NM has a 13,793' x 150' runway.
Davis Monthan AFB Airport (DMA) in Tucson, AZ has a 13,643' x 200' runway.
Biggs Aaf (fort Bliss) Airport (BIF) in Fort Bliss/El Paso/, TX has a 13,572' x 302' runway.
Hill AFB Airport (HIF) in Ogden, UT has a 13,508' x 200' runway.
Grant Co Intl Airport (MWH) in Moses Lake, WA has a 13,503' x 200' runway.
Clinton-Sherman Airport (CSM) in Clinton, OK has a 13,503' x 150' runway.
Rick Husband Amarillo Intl Airport (AMA) in Amarillo, TX has a 13,502' x 300' runway.
Lemoore Nas (reeves Fld) Airport (NLC) in Lemoore, CA has a 13,502' x 200' runway.
Lemoore Nas (reeves Fld) Airport (NLC) in Lemoore, CA has a 13,502' x 200' runway.
City Of Colorado Springs Muni Airport (COS) in Colorado Springs, CO has a 13,500' x 150' runway.
Hoooolllyy yes sir! Good job man, dont know how to thank you but this is pretty darn good CRJCaptain. I owe you one hahaha.
🍻 👏
Another thing you could try on shorter runways is to reduce the air temperature in the weather settings. You could also play with the dewpoint and other factors to get the air more dense, which translates into better lift. Snow at Edwards' would be strange, but with global warming oddities, not totally impossible. 😳
Hahahahaha, yeah it would be weird but good point actually about the air properties, didn't think too much about that and I'm doing an Aerodynamics course this semester at university. Strange thing about the weather though, we're still getting damn snow in April!!! Bahhhhh!! What the heck?! hahaha
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