I got the St Maarten payware scenery

Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain

I am trying to get it to the right setting and the read me says to go to the display section of the fsx cfg and add mipbias=6 but I dont know where to do this at.

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

bawls327 wrote:

I am trying to get it to the right setting and the read me says to go to the display section of the fsx cfg and add mipbias=6 but I dont know where to do this at.

Open the fsx.cfg file with notepad. You will see that the first section at the top is the [SOUND] section.
The next section is the [Display] section.
Copy and paste mipbias=6 into this section. I would make it the last line in this section just before the line [Main].

It would look like this then:


IMPORTANT: Backup the original before you make any changes. Idea

Pro Member Trainee
james (blackforce) Trainee

Tailhook wrote:

bawls327 wrote:

I am trying to get it to the right setting and the read me says to go to the display section of the fsx cfg and add mipbias=6 but I dont know where to do this at.

Open the fsx.cfg file with notepad. You will see that the first section at the top is the [SOUND] section.
The next section is the [Display] section.
Copy and paste mipbias=6 into this section. I would make it the last line in this section just before the line [Main].

It would look like this then:


IMPORTANT: Backup the original before you make any changes. Idea

where is the the fsx.cfg at i have looked everywhere? thxs

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