display resolution

Pro Member Trainee
djcevera Trainee

what is the optimum display resolution for fsx im running a nvidea geforce 7600 gs 512mb

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Pro Member First Officer
faust1200 First Officer

djcevera wrote:

what is the optimum display resolution for fsx im running a nvidea geforce 7600 gs 512mb

Well it depends on your monitor. If you have an LCD typically things look best at the monitors native resolution. But basically the higher the resolution the better things will look - lower the resolution and the sim might run smoother. So I'd say run it as high as you can with an acceptable of smoothness.

Pro Member Trainee
Saint4 Trainee

My Flatscreen supports up to 1440x900 but i'm running FSX at 1024x I haven't tried above that.

Whats the highes resolution you monitor supports

Pro Member First Officer
JLangevin First Officer

Im runniny my 22" Widescreen at 1680x1280 (or whatever the equivelant is) I did not lose a single frame in the frame rate.

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