aircraft thumbnails

Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

Hi guys,

Any idea why some of the aircrafts which I install do not display their thumbnails in the FSX aircraft selection window..... and ofcourse all of them wk perfectly though!!!

I think there is a picture file missing somewhere...cant trace it though!!!

Any help?!


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Pro Member First Officer
Orion (ollyau) First Officer

I don't quite remember what the requirement for the thumbnail is, but it does reside in the aircraft's texture folder with the title, thumbnail. I think it has to be a certain size for it to display, but basically, just put a picture file named thumbnail in the aircraft's texture folder. And also you can check a thumbnail from a default aircraft to find the exact file type and size.

Hope this helps


Pro Member First Officer
abmukh80 First Officer

Yep I'll try that

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain
Pro Member First Officer
Duncan (Razgr1z912) First Officer

C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Microsoft Flight Simulator X/SimObjects/Airplanes/

Lets say my b747 didnt thumbnail didnt work..

i need to go to the b747 i just added

ex: texture.jal folder

and add a thumbnail.jpg

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