FSx Acceleration release date

Pro Member Trainee
Mschumi Trainee

Expected: 26th October, 2007th

That's off an australian game site, so I dunno if it'll release in america before then or not. 🙂

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Release Date: Oct 23, 2007 on this site.

Look at the MS setup on this site.


Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer

man, did you guys see the set up on that last site? pretty sweet, eh?
has there been any mention of price for the expansion pack? i want it for christmas, along with a new stick or a yoke

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

cheezyflier wrote:

man, did you guys see the set up on that last site? pretty sweet, eh?
has there been any mention of price for the expansion pack? i want it for christmas, along with a new stick or a yoke

I think the suggested price is $29.95 but Amazon will probably have it cheaper.


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