no AI traffic in fsx?? ugh

Pro Member Trainee
AApilot2012 Trainee

yesterday i added 2 AI traffic things (computer traffic) and now theres no traffic (AI) so im pissed....i uninstalled fsx than reinstalled it still doesnt work...what do i do??

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Unload the AI traffic you added, reinstall FSX and also make sure your traffic slider is up 😉

Pro Member Trainee
AApilot2012 Trainee

um ok how do i "unload" the AI traffic...i cant find a damn thing lol 🙄

Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Uninstall 😂 If it came with a program to install it (not unzip) it should have an uninstaller. If you can't find it just do a computer search 😉

Pro Member Trainee
AApilot2012 Trainee

ok do you think since i cant find it to erase everything and start frsh?

Pro Member Captain
Rodney Jacobs (GundamWZero) Captain

You gotta keep in mind that FSX AI traffic (as well as other AI packages) are extremely accurate; if you fly from a airport at 12 noon, don't expect to see a lot of aircraft, they are either on their way somewhere else, or a few miles out from landing. Start in the morning, or in the evening just before dusk but let me warn you, you will get hit with a major fps loss.

Pro Member Trainee
kozine Trainee

I use World Of Ai and you have to have the sliders above 50% on traffic to see more then 1 or 2 AI aircraft.

Pro Member Trainee
ab1332 Trainee

plus dude u should check the flight plan so u know which places it goes. That happened to me too. But i had world-of-ai and i checked were the ai plane goes and later i got tons of them in the airport. Or if you manualy installed it check the flightplans.txt and if i am not right click on any of the icons and see if u get airport names and go there

Pro Member First Officer
mdaskalos First Officer

ab1332 wrote:

plus dude u should check the flight plan so u know which places it goes. That happened to me too. But i had world-of-ai and i checked were the ai plane goes and later i got tons of them in the airport. Or if you manualy installed it check the flightplans.txt and if i am not right click on any of the icons and see if u get airport names and go there

How do you check these AI flight plans? Where are the AI flight plans found?


Pro Member Chief Captain
Cheeks Chief Captain

Basically you can just search the Airline on wikipedia, it will show you the places the plane goes. It should be the same or very similar with world-of-ai because they're flightplans are based on real flights 😉 I hope that answers your question Mr. Teacher 😉

Pro Member First Officer
mdaskalos First Officer

well, it answers it, Mr. Greek scolar , 😉

but I was hoping for a different kind of answer:

I was hoping to be able to read and edit the flight plans so that I could add some more AI traffic in and out of TNCM, since that's mainly where I do my sim flying.


Pro Member Trainee
ab1332 Trainee

For world of ai you can go to the installer for the ai traffic. than go to were it says which place is the winzip file and at bottom left corner something called expert should be there. click on that and you should see all the airline packages you have downloaded so far. first select one of the airline than go to left and you should see something called airport info and click on that. on there it says all the airports that the airline visits in fsx

Pro Member Trainee
Bennyboybrown Trainee

Ok, hi, i have been stressing about this sooo bad i installed the world of AI and downloaded the Virgin Blue AI's and it was all good, i had heaps of VB planes in the air but that was all, so i download QANTAS but when i start the installer and click the QANTAS one and agree to the T&C it comes up with a Unhandled expection has occured in you application and says some more stuff but it has something to do with JIT debugging thing i don't know what it is could anyone help me??? I uninstalled the hole thing and got rid of the VB planes but now it won't let me add the VB planes now and i can't go to expert thing either?? And now i have no AI traffic at all please help me im very worried that i have stuffed up my FSX AI traffic. 😞 Please help. Thanks

Pro Member First Officer
cheezyflier First Officer

Bennyboybrown wrote:

im very worried that i have stuffed up my FSX AI traffic. 😞 Please help. Thanks

bill gates is coming to your house, and he's totally pissed!

Pro Member Trainee
Kais767 Trainee

Well, i had the same prob. Call mcrsoft support and thay told me to uninstall My Trafic X. But then, My Traffic X was not properly installed. So i thaught that was it. However, My fsx was in drive D and MTX was in C. No relationship at all. Cant be the prob, so cranked up repair, and wow! Welcome back AI!! But then i wanted AI add on aircraft. So i followed the instuructions on or wateva it is. They told me to download TT tools. So i collected the airports as part of the installation is TT tools and then completed the steps for add on AI to appear. However, no more AI traffic in that airport that i collected from tttools and the airport is an add-on. Removed the AI plane and deleted TT, still no AI!!!! Where are you!!! Crying or Very sad

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