How do I make an AI Aircraft flyable?

Pro Member First Officer
KevinTsai First Officer

I have downloaded and installed a JBAI AI EVA Air MD-90. I haven't seen what it look like in my FS2004 yet but I want to make it flyable. How do I do it? Do I just make new panel and sound folders and copy the panel.cfg and sound.cfg into the folders?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

Pretty much that is the basics of it.

I am sure there is a guide on it, but I dunno where.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

KevinTsai wrote:

Do I just make new panel and sound folders and copy the panel.cfg and sound.cfg into the folders?

Yes, you have to add new panel and sound folders but simply copying panel.cfg and sound.cfg into the folders won't do anything.

You either have to put a complete panel (which includes a panel.cfg anyway) into the aircraft or you have to open the panel.cfg with notepad, delete everything that's written there and alias it to a panel you have already installed in your sim.

The exact same applies to the sound folder.

Pro Member First Officer
KevinTsai First Officer

I already have the panel.cfg and sound.cfg aliased.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

So how come it ain't flyin'?

Pro Member First Officer
KevinTsai First Officer

I haven't run FS2004 yet. I'll test it this Friday.

Pro Member First Officer
KevinTsai First Officer

No, it didn't work. I don't know why. I created a panel and sound folder with the cfgs in each.

Now, I'm thinking that I should COPY the panel and sound folder without making one. Will that help?

Pro Member First Officer
Colin Reece (Col7777) First Officer


First find a flyable MD90
Copy the [fltsim] [lights] & [contact points] sections from your MD90 and delete those sections from the flyable MD90.
Then insert your copied sections in the flyable MD90 aircraft.cfg
You will need the flyable air file too remembering to change the air file name in the [fltsim] section you inserted e.g sim=xxxx
copy the panel folder to the MD90 you wish to fly along with the above air file and aircraft.cfg and it should work.

So basically you have altered the aircraft.cfg
changed/copied the air file and copied the panel.
You should now have your original MD90 but with the above added and altered.

Pro Member First Officer
KevinTsai First Officer

Nevermind about that guys. I deleted the JBAI MD-90 and downloaded Mike Stone's MD-90 and EVA Air textures.

The MD-90 is good and all, but for some reason, the fuselage, wings, and the horizontal stablizers can't load up even with 16-bit textures by default. So I had to put mipmaps on them and the textures are way too blurry.

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