screen shots

Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

Ever since I downloaded FS Passengers, I have been unable to take screen shots. Has anyone else run into this, and how do you fix it?


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Pro Member Captain
acepilot32 Captain

i think youll find more luck in the "screenshots forum" since they know more about screenshot taking and problems

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

What are you useing to take screenshots.

Are you useing a screenshot software or are you useing the PrtSc button

Pro Member First Officer
rowcoach First Officer

well that kind of explains something. I thought you pushed the 'v' key like you do in FSX to take a screen shot.

Is there software for taking FS9 pictures?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Drew B (belgeode) Chief Captain

screenhunter is what I use... it is easy and customizable. try it.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CRJCapt Chief Captain

Try: GrabClipSave - simple and free screen capture tool

Pro Member Captain
Morris (morris91) Captain

FS9 does not have a screenshot button.

Screenshot flights become for popular when FS2004 was out so microsoft game studio's added the screenshot picture button for easy screenshots.

If you are wishing to take screenshots in FS9 you will have to use the PrtSc button or use the software Bel or CRJCapt suggested.

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