Trees, not Buildings Please

Pro Member Trainee
Dudds Trainee

Does anyone know whether it is possible to just have the trees switched on in FSX and not the buildings - or are the two linked (which I believe to be the case).

Many thanks.

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Pro Member First Officer
Lee198 First Officer

Hi Dudds,

I think it's a case of have one, have the other. It all comes under your Autogen scenery, so it will generate both. Your only choice is to turn Autogen off, in which case you lose the lot.

Pro Member Trainee
Dudds Trainee

Thanks - I think you may be right. Which is a shame - the trees are good but the buildings are pretty unconvincing!

Pro Member First Officer
Luke (warlord40) First Officer

There is always this option...(second pic)

Pro Member First Officer
Duncan (Razgr1z912) First Officer

Autogen is tree's only I belive.

Pro Member Captain
bawls327 Captain

Cant you just go to that topic on the tweaks for fsx and choose the tweaks where you can choose the amount of houses and trees like 0 and 3,000 trees.

Pro Member First Officer
Orion (ollyau) First Officer

When you set something to 0, in that tweak, FSX can do some weird stuff. Setting it to 10, would be a better choice, as FSX would be less likely to glitch and you would have nearly no buildings.

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