I tend to use Martha's Vineyard (KMVY) more often than not, as I'm originally from Massachusetts, and I know the island in real life. I like it as my pattern practice base and the short hop over to Nantucket (KACK) makes for a nice trip for practicing navigation and approaches. Also on the Vineyard is Katama Airfield (One Bravo Two!) with three grass strips to choose from.
(I was in a rental house near Katama one summer and we weren't there half an hour before we heard a small plane crash! We rushed over to check it out and sure enough saw the tail sticking up out of the tall weeds across the road from the end of the strip. Pilot and passengers walked away unscathed-- they simply failed to climb on takeoff and put her down across the road. Imagine the sound a mower makes when its choked off by too much grass--that's what it sounded like!)
Anyway...just curious if everyone has a "home base" in FS and also interested to know about other interesting airfields I havent yet discovered.
(Are you you like me and sometimes play "Airfield Roulette" and randomly choose an airport from the worldwide list just to see if you find anything interesting?)
So shout 'em out here...where do you park your plane?
Shoreham Southern UK at the moment as it's the only add on airfield i have . It's only a short flight to my local field which is Redhill.
I play airfield roulette 😀
My home airport.....mmmm.....well.....mmm..... Sydney (YSBK) and Seattle (KBFI)
Harrisburg International, PA, USA - KMDT
KPIT... Pittsburgh, International Airport, Findlay Township, Allegheny County, City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15231
did I mention it's in Pittsburgh?
Chicago O'hare KORD
belgeode wrote:
KPIT... Pittsburgh, International Airport, Findlay Township, Allegheny County, City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15231
did I mention it's in Pittsburgh?
We pass gas in your general direction. I'd like to make some anti-Steelers remark, but actually we like like them better than anyone but the Eagles. And the Eagles clearly suck.
Actually, so does football. Go Phillies!
Dammit! They suck too! I'm moving back to the UK. At least there my team, Glasgow Celtic, doesn't suck. Oh, wait...
Is that what that smell was?
YBHM (Hamilton Island) about 12 clicks North from where I live
belgeode wrote:
Is that what that smell was?
KPHL..as I live in KOP! And VHHX....what a rush to land the "Checkerboard"!
warlord40 wrote:
YBHM (Hamilton Island) about 12 clicks North from where I live
I remember venturing there in the days, we had to fly to Brisbane and get there by Cessna caravan lol. These days dont jetstar and DJ fly their from most major cities
Yeah, Virgin Blue and Jetstar fly here now, the old caravans still do Island hopping along with the choppers, they land on my Island daily as well(airstrip is about 20 metres from my unit).Unfortunatly I'm the one who has to jump out on the John Deere Tractor and slash it (which takes about three days)
This might give you a better idea: this is looking North
Unfortunatly this airstrip isnt in the game
I'm pretty sure you can MAKE it... I think all you need is AFCAD... or some such program.
Thanks Bel, I had givin it a go a couple of months ago but had trouble getting the airstrip in the right place/height etc.
When in doubt consult the maps of the area... should have proper elevation data for you to plug in.
Cheers mate! I'll have to look into that!
Can't wait to see how it turns out, that looks like a challenging approach.... hey there you go... make it in FS, then fly it... there's your entry for may.
hehehe sounds like a challange 😂
Don't know that I'll have it in before the end of May though!
my home internation airport is koak but my home "airfield" is hayward exucutive
Dorianee wrote:
my home internation airport is koak but my home "airfield" is hayward exucutive
Hi neighbor! I live in San Francisco
Id have to say either,
YPAD (Adelaide, Which I do an RPT for in RL), YKSC (Kingscoate, for like practice on new aircraft), YMAY (Albury for an RPT I do in RL), and YCOR (Corowa, for Training purposes) 😂 😀
EHEH Eindhoven for commercial
EHVK Volkel AB for military, which is almost my backyard.
But in FS i use Zell am See LOWZ alot with Austria Pro 2004 to make hops to Salzburg.
Levim27 wrote:
Id have to say either,
YPAD (Adelaide, Which I do an RPT for in RL), YKSC (Kingscoate, for like practice on new aircraft), YMAY (Albury for an RPT I do in RL), and YCOR (Corowa, for Training purposes) 😂 😀
Lol another aussie warlord
Ha,ha ha ha......we are very slowly taking over the globe ha ha ha
warlord40 wrote:
Ha,ha ha ha......we are very slowly taking over the globe ha ha ha
Better bomb Australia. No offense, but how wants the world run by Aussies? They're barbecues are barbies, I mean seriously, BARBIES!?!?!?!?!?!? who would call they're barbecues Barbies?
Hey Warlord, do me a favor... bomb concorde and put another shrimp on the barbe for me please.
And hand me a Fosters.
Panshanger EGLG where I fly from on my PPL. Nice grass runway and when tested, you can get a lear jet in there, just. 😛
The above is for GA but for commercial I use my local Luton EGGW.
belgeode wrote:
Hey Warlord, do me a favor... bomb concorde and put another shrimp on the barbe for me please.
And hand me a Fosters.
😂 Squadron of B-52 on route.... unfortunatly, I'm allergic to shellfish, after eating some 'off' prawns on a flight from Aus to NZ, I was sick for an entire month, and ever since....well....I sure miss the taste!
As for Fosters.... 😀 ... You'll be lucky to find an Australian who drinks that cr**, Its pretty much only export material, most of us will drink tooeys, VB or xxxx (4 X), but cheers anyway 🍻 😉
I'll take your recommendation of the beers in AU... and also your share of the shrimp. I LIVE on seafood.
Heathrow (EGLL) Gate J 6 Heavy.
Even though I fly small planes. 🙄
Well i have three. I spend most of my time at KMDW (Chicago Midway). I fly out of C77 (Poplar Grove) a lot because that is where I'm currently training for my PPL. AND KRFD (Greater Rockford) is about 20 minutes from my house.
I have to say, I have never had a shrimp on a barbie..... and we use that term becuase we're lazy when it comes to speech.... 😀 😂
And come on who doesnt like:
Yeah me either, its a tad annoying.... 😂
Hmm, a toughie here 😉
I live roughly equidistant between KNGP & KNWL, but I tend not to use these airports because FS9/FSX both have incorrect information for both. (Length, etc)
For the B737 series & smaller, I use KCRP. For heavies I mostly use KDFW.
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