Ground service traffic

Pro Member Trainee
mitch0508 Trainee


i just wanted to know how do you get the ground traffic (meal truck, fuel truck, baggage truck etc) to come to the aircraft when your parked at the terminal.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

This will tell you some.

The others come when you "park" the aircraft, shut off the engines and open the doors.


Pro Member Trainee
mitch0508 Trainee



how do you get the ground crew like baggage food people etc.



how do you get the ground crew out like baggage people and the food people


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

how do you get the ground crew out like baggage people and the food people


To get actual people (not just equipment) you have to have an add-on, maybe free but probably a pay add-on.


Jack10 Guest

then how do you get the trucks ground crew the food tuck etc.


Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Jack10 wrote:

then how do you get the trucks ground crew the food tuck etc.


Download the link in the second post.
It will give you keyboard commands on how to get ground vehicles to move when at the gate.


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