FSX Won't Run! HELP!

Pro Member Trainee
1LtLoric Trainee

Ok, so I just installed Abacus Fighter Pilot 2. Problem is, now FSX won't run. I get the error "The Requested file is corrupt or unable to load. Flight Simulator will now try and load the default flight." OK, I get that. I let it reload. Then I get "Flight Simulator cannot find the default flight file. Please restore the file or reinstall the Flight Simulator." OK! PLEASE tell me where said file is in the Microsoft FS file, and PLEASE tell me why it is vital to FSX running. Or E-mail the file back with instructions to me at starloric@yahoo.com . Thank You!

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Harris Dunn Guest

Hi i have the same probelm can u help me out

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Try deleting that aircraft and all it's folders.
If that doesn't do it then drop in disk #1 and choose repair.

Let us know how you do.


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