Sign this petition; Try to bring in FS11!

Pro Member Trainee
1LtLoric Trainee

Please, all of you, sign this petition. We all plan to send the letter to Microsoft. Every signature matters.

Not a spam link, no dubious sites, or anything, just a petition.

Radarman, please sticky this?

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Pro Member Trainee
ginns Trainee

You know, I don't really want to see another version of FS come out for a while. Here's why. Since 1985, when I was first introduced to Flight Simulator my purpose in life has been to make sure my computer was robust enough to move all the FS sliders to the right and still get fantastic frame rates. By the time I was able to afford that system, Flight Sim would upgrade and the process began again. Well, this time I have it:

EVGA 8800GTX 768 Overclocked
5 Gigs Corsair DDR2 Ram
Thermaltake 750 w Power Supply
Audigy 7.1 Sound
x52 Joystick and Throttle
A wife that appreciates my Hobby 😛

So I'm all set. If you can just wait a few more years I would greatly aprreciate that.


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