addon scenery not showing up

Pro Member Trainee
JJay Trainee

I installed FS9 under Windows 7 but following another user's advice and creating a new directory called FS Games and installing it in there. Ditto for Real Environment Pro etc.
My aircraft all work, REP works etc.
My addon scenery doesn't.
I even edited each one to create the correct path in that new directory, in the scenery library and still nothing. I have the same problem on my old XP machine so I'm sure I did something diabolically wrong but can't figure out what.
Addons are a higher priority than scenery I presume should be under them. eg. Northern Ontario Airports is well above the North Americas, and the 2 North Americas are above Ultimate Terrain-Canada/Alaska and Ultimate Terrain-USA, etc.
When I start the program I get an "invalid path to remote scenery" error for scenery 068 and 078. I edited the one in position 68 and it is correct, but I don't even have one in position 078 I only have 73 in my list.
any ideas?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

You haven't mentioned anything about "activating" your scenery add-ons unless I've missed it.

The REP wouldn't be a problem because the self-installer does everything, including the "activating" bit.

Basically all freeware scenery add-ons have to be activated after having placed the folders into their appropriate folders.

Pro Member Trainee
JJay Trainee

hi again Tailhook ...seems like I'm a project for you. 🙂

Yes ...all of the addon scenery is activated ...the boxes to the left of each one checked in the scenery library.

Hoping someone has run into this before. It was doing the same thing on my windows xp laptop. I'm wondering if there is a dat file or something that needs to be deleted so the program can generate a new one???


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

JJay wrote:

Yes ...all of the addon scenery is activated ...

I don't mean to be pedantic but it's still not clear to me whether YOU actually activated the freeware scenery add-ons. Unless YOU activate the freeware scenery add-ons, the vast majority will NOT be activated.

Pro Member Trainee
JJay Trainee

I thought that by checking them in the scenery library they would be activated. Am I missing something?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

I think you do.

After you've placed the scenery folders where they belong, you have to go: SETTINGS - Scenery Library - Add Area...

Now you'll have a pop-up window in which you will have to navigate to the scenery you've just installed. When you're done, you MUST exit the sim for the changes to take effect.

Pro Member Trainee
JJay Trainee

Yes I did all that. When they didn't show up I even double clicked them and re-established the correct paths and still they don't show up

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