Uninstall FSX Deluxe Before Installing Gold

Pro Member Trainee
oldave Trainee

I will be getting FSX "Gold" this Friday and was wondering if I should completely uninstall FSX "Deluxe" which is installed on my computer right now...
I Have the Saitek Yoke and Trottle Quadrant and will be getting the Saitek Rudder Pedals and FSX "Gold" Friday...
I downloaded a few Free Aircraft Add-Ons today but there are still some "Bugs" like no digital read out compass above the compass in the glass cockpit, screen looks enlarged/scretched in some way or too big...???
Blurry instruments and incomplete gauges...
I don`t care if I lose these few add-ons *They really don`t run or look proper* if it is recomended that I do a complete "Clean" Install...
Thanks for any help or info you could give an "old newbie"...
*I didn`t realise the oxymoron just then `till after reading it*

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