Last night I was approaching Baltimore airport and I had a fatal error that crashed FSX. Recently I purchased Rex Essential Plus. This is the second time that this has happened after the installation. It happens near the end of the flight. Do I need to upgrade my video card? I currently have a GTX560 Ti and I am thinking on a GTX EVGA 670. Thanks!
I can't say that it will cure your problem but it will help FSX look better and you'll get more FPS.
ok..I noticed that Microsoft was downloading updates at that time so I turned it off. Thanks!
I cannot get to the cause of this? I am going to delete the program and take the loss of the money. Is there another good weather program out there that is much less complicated and looks good? Thanks RadarMan
I don't use one.
There seem to be quite a few on the net.
This is expensive, but if it works it's worth it.
ok..thanks I am a bit gun shy after the nightmare with REX
CaptainK49 wrote:
ok..thanks I am a bit gun shy after the nightmare with REX
I don't blame you in the least.
I must ask a little bit late, did you post over in the REX forums for help?
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