Whats the best fs to use without gamespy??

mikender45 Guest

Hey guys whats up im looking to buy a fsx game and i want to know which one still uses multiplayer without gamespy.
If you do know please reply!


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Pro Member Trainee
Harold (hecrowell) Trainee

FSX Gold is probably the most popular. With the demise of GameSpy-and that's a good thing in my opinion, several other multiplayer servers hosting multiplayer function have opened their doors. Also, a direct connection via IP address can be set up on your PC or one of your buddies for multiplayer flights.
I have specified FSX Gold because it contains Acceleration which is needed for multiplayer.
Remember, though, if you are hosting or one of your buddies are hosting, the one hosting must open ports on the router 6112-6122 and set up exceptions in the Windows firewall (or whatever firewall is being used)

mikender45 Guest

Thanks I need a new microsoft flight simulator. Mine was going bad but thanks for helping me out! 😀

mikender45 Guest

Oh and I got a question.Do people still play FSX Golden Edition on multiplayer ❓

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