Does Flight Simulator 10 or Fsx work on Windows 8.1


So I have seen a lot of questions about the compatibility of Fsx on Windows 8 and windows 8.1 especially.

So I bought my laptop this new year and I can tell you that Fsx was the first thing that I installed, BOTH service packs were installed and my system ran it fine. Graphics, scenery, everything.

Now this is what most people miss out, the one thing that I have noticed is that my laptop doesn't like changing the aircraft, weather or to 'warp' to another airport, that's when Fsx crashes.
So I can see why people do have a problem with windows 8 and Flight sim but realistically you should have all of that set up before you even start the free flight.
Which brings me onto the Multi player, on LAN as it is now, nothing is up at all, works fine, as long as you don't use ALT > AIRCRAFT and change. If you exit and change, works fine.

My Laptop Specs:
Processor - AMD A4 quad core 1.5Ghz
Ram - 4GB
Graphics card - Navidia G-force 550 equivalent
64 bit operating system - windows 8.1

What I have installed on FSX:
- Uk2000 manchester and Liverpool extreme
- PMDG 737
- Ifly 737 nxg
- Airbus x V1.22

Now I say I have the PMDG, I do but I have yet to see it work once which I am a little gutted about because it's a great add-on (don't worry I bought it ages ago when I had a PC) but unfortunately it doesn't work. So I bought the IFly 737 which is almost identical but is downgraded from the PMDG so it's like a Beta, this does work, every now and again but I can't figure out why it doesn't work sometimes. Airbus x works like a dream even along side of the UK2000 scenery.

So I do hope that this helps, any further questions, please post and I will try my best to reply as quickly and as best as I can.


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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

It's a very graphic intensive aircraft, a laptop may not be able to handle it.
Experiment: Turn down most of your slides, autogen, shadows, clouds, scenery and AI.
The sim will look bad but try to see if the PMDG works.
What you are doing is transferring the machines resources to the aircraft not to the sim itself.

Let us know how you do.



Hi Radarman,
forgive me if that is wrong but I will give that a go and see if the PMDG will work at some point, hopfully it will otherwise I might try to put my system into compatibility mode and try that.
But thank you for that I will give it go now


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