Nav log printing problems

Pro Member Trainee
Maurice Smith (Mauries) Trainee

For some reason I can no longer print my nav logs. This worked in the past but now nothing!.. Checking the print queue indicates there is nothing to print. Using XP
Any suggestions?

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

What kind of printer are you useing. I have windows XP and the Lexmark X85-X84 printer. It is a piece of ******. It always messes up the prints that it is printing.

Pro Member Trainee
Maurice Smith (Mauries) Trainee

Thanks - I'm using a Canon and it works fine on everything else!
Re-installed the program (for a second time!) and it appears to have fixed it.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Matthew Shope (mypilot) Chief Captain

Good. 👏

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