Black screens in my POSKY Air New Zealand 777-300ER

fsxuser35 Guest

I've downloaded 2 Posky 777s and none of them has working gauges.😭 The 2D panel on both have missing switches, buttons, and screens. The VC on both have non-functioning buttons, like the battery button, and all the screens are black. The backup angle of attack indicator seems to be working, but the others are not. Does anyone have an answer to this? I really wanted to do a flight with this. Also, I used the gauges recovery application, but still no results.

From fsxuser35

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Try leaving a folder of gauges in the airplane folder.
Also take another folder of the gauges and put the contents of it in the main gauge folder.
Having them in two places wil not harm anything but may be the answer to your problem.


fsxuser35 Guest

I tried that, but nothing was fixed other than the glass dirt. Should I just try using the default gauges?

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

That seems to be the only solution at this point.
Too bad.


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