I have been trying to download the "FreemeshX USA LOD 1

Pro Member Trainee
Rocketfella Trainee

I have been trying to download the "FreemeshX USA LOD 12 of 50.92gb.  I have tried 3 times without success. The download seems to work 100% to the end, but after some deliberation, it comes up as failed.. Have you any suggestions as to why this is happening? Ihave tried once, altering  the place where I put the download, but to no avail. Thanks, David.

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Pro Member Trainee
skytrail Trainee

Yeah I cant either no matter what I do.  The farthest I got was 8.5 gb.  If I could buy a 64 gb flash drive with the file on it from someone I would pay a handsome price.   Any takers?

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