Troubleshooting ATC Recognition of Custom Livery Tail Numbers in X-Plane 12

Pro Member Trainee
SgtDave Trainee

I'm flying an Aerobask-LegacyRG which comes with several different liveries, each having a unique tail number. The default seems to be an orange tip with the number N335AJ; I like the blue trim with TN N8448J. No matter what I've tried, ATC, LittleNavMap, etc. use the default N335AJ and not my selected livery. I've tried global text replacement of the tailnumbers in all files where N335AJ is found to no avail. I've not received feedback from the Aerobask folks. Any suggestions about how to have my selected livery recognized, especially in ATC?

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

I understand your conundrum with the Aerobask-LegacyRG's livery and tail number not being acknowledged by ATC and LittleNavMap. It’s a common snag that can trip up even seasoned sim enthusiasts.

To begin, it's crucial to ensure that your livery's associated tail number is accurately defined within the aircraft's configuration files. X-Plane 12, much like its predecessors, and other platforms such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, relies heavily on these files for ATC interactions.

Let's tackle this step-by-step:

  1. Navigate to the aircraft's root folder and locate the liveries subfolder.
  2. Under the specific livery folder you're using, open the aircraft.cfg file with a text editor.
  3. Look for the atc_id parameter. This should reflect the tail number you wish ATC to recognize.
  4. If the changes are not being picked up in-sim, consider clearing X-Plane’s cache. Sometimes the sim holds onto old data, and a fresh start can do wonders.

Should the issue persist, there might be a need to delve a bit deeper:

  • Check if there are multiple entries of the same tail number within different livery folders. Redundancies can confuse the simulator.
  • Verify that no other plugins are overriding your settings. Plugins like LittleNavMap should sync with the sim, but occasionally, they might need a manual update.

If these steps do not resolve the predicament, it would be beneficial to seek specifics directly from the Aerobask support or community forums, as they might have encountered similar issues.

For future reference, when seeking assistance, providing details such as the version of the simulator you are using, any additional plugins involved, and steps already tried, can be incredibly useful for a more tailored solution.

Keep us posted on your progress, and should you need more detailed assistance, feel free to provide additional context.

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