RFN gauge: zone not active?

Dale Scott Guest

I have the Enterprise Final cruises installed. I includes the RFN carrier gauge  already tuned to the Enterprise.
When I go to the tools selection to try and move my aircraft to the ship, it says "The tuned zone is not active.This function cannot be used." What does this message mean and how can I fix it?

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Based on your question about the "RFN Gauge: Zone Not Active" message in Prepar3D, it seems you are encountering a common issue related to the RFN Carrier Gauge, particularly when interacting with the Enterprise Final Cruises. Let's delve into some technical aspects and potential solutions to address your concern.

Technical Aspects and Potential Solutions

  1. Configuration Issues: Ensure that the RFN Gauge is correctly installed and configured. This involves checking the 'panel.cfg' file of your aircraft to ensure that the RFN Gauge entries are correctly defined. Here's an example entry for reference:
    gauge00=RFN_CarrierGauge!Close_Subpanel, 0, 2, 17, 18, c49
    gauge01=RFN_CarrierGauge!Aircraft_Carrier_Indicator, 0, 0, 170, 220
    gauge02=RFN_CarrierGauge!Radio_TACAN_ARN52B, 0, 222, 170, 068

  2. Distance to Carrier: The RFN Gauge may have limitations regarding the distance from which it can detect and interact with the carrier. Try starting your flight closer to the carrier or adjust the AI route to bring the carrier within a closer range, ideally less than 3km.
  3. Carrier Model Specifics: Different carrier models may interact differently with the RFN Gauge. For instance, the Charles de Gaulle (CdG) might use self-illuminating materials for FLOLS (Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System) which are more readily detected by the RFN Gauge compared to other models that use effect files.
  4. Reinstallation: In some cases, reinstalling the RFN Gauge or the carrier model can resolve issues. Ensure that you have the latest version of the RFN Gauge and that it is compatible with your version of Prepar3D.
  5. Checking Other Effects: Sometimes, the issue might be with the effects loading rather than the gauge itself. Verify if other effects, like smoke or noise, are also missing when you face this issue.
  6. Seeking Assistance: If the problem persists, consider reaching out to the flight simulation community or the developer for further assistance.

Remember, these simulators and their add-ons are complex and can require a bit of troubleshooting to get everything working seamlessly. With patience and some technical adjustments, you should be able to resolve the "Zone Not Active" issue and enjoy a more immersive flight simulation experience.

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