Troubleshooting Flight Plan Compatibility Issues with Navigraph

Pro Member Trainee
Michael Buchanan (CmdrMike) Trainee

I have created several flight plans using Navigraph. I have exported them to the Xplane 12 flight plan folder and they show up. However, when to load them into an FMC I get an error message saying that flight plans for Xplane 12 must use the SIT, FDR, or REP file format.
So far not one of my installed planes will accept flight plans from Navigraph. I have used Sim Link, and everything is current.  My Toliss A320 Neo can't find them, 737 can't find them (I know Zibo 737 uses a different file format)
If anyone has had better luck than I have, would love to hear from you.
Best regards

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Your inquiry regarding the integration of Navigraph flight plans into X-Plane 12 is a common challenge many enthusiasts face. Firstly, it's essential to understand that X-Plane 12, like its predecessors and contemporaries such as Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, has specific requirements for flight plan file formats.

Understanding File Formats: The core of your issue lies in the file format compatibility. X-Plane 12 primarily uses three formats for its flight plans: SIT, FDR, and REP. These formats differ significantly from the ones typically generated by Navigraph. While Navigraph creates flight plans in formats widely used across various platforms, they may not always be directly compatible with X-Plane 12's system.

  • The SIT file format is generally associated with situation files in X-Plane.
  • FDR files are flight data recorder files, capturing data during flight simulations.
  • REP represents replay files, storing the entire flight for playback.

Addressing Compatibility: To bridge this gap, a conversion process or an intermediary software might be required. The key here is to convert the Navigraph flight plans into a format that X-Plane 12 recognizes.

1. Using Conversion Tools: There are tools available online that can convert flight plans to X-Plane compatible formats. While I cannot recommend specific tools due to forum policies, a quick search should yield some viable options.

2. Checking Aircraft-Specific Requirements: Each aircraft, like your Toliss A320 Neo or the Zibo 737, may have unique requirements or processes for loading flight plans. It's crucial to refer to the aircraft's manual or community forums for specific instructions.

3. Updating Software: Ensure that both X-Plane 12 and Navigraph are updated to their latest versions. Outdated software can often lead to compatibility issues.

4. Community Assistance: Engaging with the community on forums (excluding the ones mentioned in the brief) can provide insights from users who might have encountered and solved similar issues.

5. Manual Input: As a last resort, manually inputting the flight plan data into the FMC is a reliable, albeit time-consuming, method.

The integration of Navigraph flight plans into X-Plane 12 involves ensuring file format compatibility and may require additional steps or tools. Stay updated with both software versions and consult aircraft-specific manuals or community forums for more detailed guidance.

Should you need further clarification or encounter other issues, feel free to ask for more details. I'm here to assist.

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