Optimizing MSFS 2020 with Add-On Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Pro Member Trainee
GerardT Trainee

how do I install add-ons on the MSFS2020 ??

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hello G MAN,

Installing add-ons in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (MSFS 2020) can significantly enhance your simulation experience, adding everything from detailed aircraft models to intricate scenery and complex weather systems. Here's a straightforward guide to help you integrate these enhancements seamlessly into your simulator.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Add-Ons in MSFS 2020:

  1. Verify the Add-On Compatibility: Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that the add-on is compatible with MSFS 2020. Compatibility information is usually listed on the add-on’s documentation or the website from where you are downloading.
  2. Download the Add-On: Download the add-on files from a reputable source. Avoid unofficial sources as they may not comply with the software's licensing agreements or might contain harmful files.
  3. Locate the Community Folder: The community folder is where MSFS 2020 stores all the add-on content. You can find this folder by going to the installation directory of your MSFS 2020. If you installed the game via Steam, the path might look like: "C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community"
  4. Install the Add-On: Extract the downloaded add-on files (usually in .zip or .rar format) directly into the Community folder. Ensure that you maintain the folder structure as specified by the add-on creator.
  5. Start the Simulator: Launch MSFS 2020. The simulator will automatically detect the new files in the Community folder and load them with your game.
  6. Verify Installation: Once MSFS 2020 is running, check to see if the add-on is active by looking for its components in the simulator. For aircraft, check under the 'Aircraft Selection' screen, and for scenery, start a flight at a location close to where the add-on should appear.

Troubleshooting Tips:
If the add-on does not appear in the simulator:

  • Double-check the folder structure within the Community folder – incorrect file placement is a common error.
  • Restart the simulator to ensure it reloads all content.
  • Check for any updates or patches for the add-on which might resolve compatibility issues.

Final Thoughts:
Add-ons can transform your MSFS 2020 experience, but always ensure to back up your files before making any changes to the installation folders. This safeguard allows you to restore the original state if something goes wrong.

If you need further details or run into specific issues, feel free to ask. Happy flying!

From my knowledge, these steps should guide you correctly in enhancing your MSFS 2020 setup. Safe skies and smooth landings to you!

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