Optimizing Mouse Functionality for External Camera Operations in MSFS 2020

Pro Member Trainee
sterk03 Trainee

New to MSFS2020 so need some info on the mouse pointer vs mouse camera movement. When I hit the end key to go outside camera view I have set up the joystick to handle the view of the camera. I want the mouse now to be able to click on various items like maps or switches but it wants to move the camera angle not move to the item I need to DC or click on, how do I deactivate the view movement of the mouse in the outside camera view that the END key gets me into?

Thanks, Sterk03

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.

Hello Sterk03,

Welcome to the world of MSFS 2020, a platform that both challenges and rewards with its depth and realism. Your query about optimizing the mouse for non-camera tasks in the outside camera mode is a common one, and I’m here to assist.

The issue arises because the default setting in MSFS 2020 binds the mouse to control the camera angles when in external view. To use your mouse for interacting with cockpit elements, menus, or other interfaces without altering your viewpoint, you'll need to adjust some settings. Here’s how you can do this effectively:

1. Entering the Correct View: Ensure you are in the correct external view by pressing the END key, as you've done. This view is where you intend to disable mouse look functionality.

2. Accessing Options: Press ESC and navigate to the Options menu, then proceed to Controls.

3. Filter Settings: In the top-left corner of the screen, you will see a filter option. Set this to Mouse to make sure you're only adjusting settings for the mouse.

4. Disabling Mouse Look: Look for the option titled Toggle Camera Mouse Look. By default, this may be bound to a mouse button or another key. You can clear this binding by selecting it and pressing DELETE. This will prevent the mouse from controlling camera angles in external view.

5. Assigning New Controls (Optional): If you wish, you can reassign mouse look to a less obtrusive key combination or a button on your joystick. This allows you to quickly enable and disable mouse look without interfering with other mouse functions.

6. Saving and Exiting: Make sure to save your settings before exiting the menu to ensure all changes take effect.

Now, when you press the END key to go to the outside camera, your mouse will not affect the camera angle and can be used freely for other interactions.

It’s important to note that these settings can vary slightly between different updates and patches of MSFS 2020, so if you encounter any discrepancies, a quick check of the latest patch notes or the MSFS forum might be helpful. Also, this method is specific to MSFS 2020 and may not directly apply to other simulators like X-Plane 12, though the general approach to control customization could be similar.

Additional Tips:

  • If you frequently switch between camera control and UI interaction, consider assigning a hotkey to toggle mouse look on and off quickly.
  • Regularly check for updates in MSFS 2020, as control options and customization features can evolve with new patches.

I hope this helps you achieve a more tailored and enjoyable flight simulation experience. If you need further clarification or have more questions, feel free to ask. Happy flying!

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