Finding MSFS 2020 Keyboard Shortcuts for Basic Flight Operations

Pro Member Trainee
sterk03 Trainee

Need help to find the list of keyboard items and commands, so when it says (back in the air)  where is this key to do this otherwise the aircraft just sits on the ground.  Also, how do I pause the flight?  If I try to use the mouse I think hit the white bar on the top which I think the pause is on the far left it just moves the outside camera around and hard to click on the pause but must be a keyboard key also.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
Ian Stephens is an expert on this topic. Read his bio here.


It seems like you're having some trouble navigating the keyboard controls in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Understanding these can significantly enhance your flight experience by making interactions quicker and more intuitive. Let's clear up the confusion and get you back in control of your aircraft.

1. Locating Keyboard Commands
Firstly, you mentioned needing a comprehensive list of keyboard commands. MSFS 2020 comes with a vast array of commands that can be daunting at first. For an exhaustive list, I recommend visiting the dedicated MSFS Controls & Keyboard Commands page. This resource is invaluable and will provide you with a detailed overview of all available shortcuts and functions.

2. Command for 'Back in the Air'
Regarding your specific query about the 'back in the air' command, this typically refers to resetting or repositioning your aircraft on the runway ready for take-off. Usually, this can be triggered by the Y key to enable slew mode, and then positioning your aircraft as needed. Press Y again to return to normal flight mode.

3. Pausing the Flight
To pause the flight without using the mouse:

  • You can press the Pause key on your keyboard to pause the simulation. This is different from the 'active pause', which allows you to pause the aircraft's motion while still being able to pan the camera.
  • Alternatively, the ESC key brings up the main menu, which also pauses the simulation.

Pausing using the mouse by clicking the white bar can indeed be tricky, especially in turbulent flight conditions. Using the keyboard shortcuts provides a more straightforward and fail-safe method.

4. Additional Tips

  • Customize your controls: MSFS allows you to customize and reassign keys based on your preferences. Navigate to the settings from the main menu and select 'Controls Options' to make adjustments that suit your setup best.
  • Utilize the 'Search' function within the control settings to quickly find specific commands and their associated keys.
  • Regularly refer to the control guide as you familiarize yourself with the simulator's functions. Print out a cheat sheet if necessary.

I hope this helps clear up the issues you were facing and makes your flight simulation experience smoother. If you have any more questions or need further clarification on other functions, feel free to ask. Fly safe!

Note: Always ensure you're using the latest version of MSFS 2020 to benefit from updated features and improved stability.

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