Optimizing Runway Visibility with PFD Display in MSFS 2020

Peter Hak Guest

For instance, in the "Africa Relief" flight, I have trouble seeing the runway simultaneously with PFD instruments. I believe there is a keystroke set that shows an unobstructed view of the runway with PFDs along the bottom. How can I get this configuration? Thanks.

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Pro Member Captain
Ian Stephens (ianstephens) Captain
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Navigating the intricacies of Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS 2020) can sometimes feel like you're piecing together a complex puzzle, especially when it comes to optimizing your view for the best flight experience. Let's break down how you can achieve a clear view of the runway while keeping your Primary Flight Display (PFD) accessible, just like you've described in your "Africa Relief" flight scenario.

Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring Your View:

  • Start by entering the cockpit view if you're not already there. You can do this by pressing the End key or selecting it from the camera menu.
  • Once in the cockpit, you'll want to adjust the camera to focus on the runway. Press the Spacebar to raise the pilot's view or use the Ctrl + Down Arrow to lower it. Adjust until you have an unobstructed view of the runway ahead.
  • To add the PFD to the bottom of your screen, you'll need to customize your HUD. MSFS 2020 allows you to adjust the display elements via the in-game settings menu. Navigate to Options > General > Camera, and then tweak the Instrument Heads-Up Display (HUD) settings.
  • If the default options don't suit your needs, consider using the custom camera settings to create a saved view that includes the PFD at the bottom of your screen. This can be done by adjusting the camera to your liking and then pressing Ctrl + Alt + a number key (1-9) to save this view setting.
  • To quickly switch between this custom view and others during flight, just press the number key you assigned to it. This makes it easy to toggle views based on your needs at different phases of your flight.

Additional Tips:

  • Enhance your visibility during takeoff and landing by adjusting the time of day and weather conditions through the in-game environment settings. Clear skies and daylight can make a significant difference in runway visibility.
  • Familiarize yourself with the cockpit layout of different aircraft. Each model in MSFS 2020 may have slightly different viewports and instrument panels, which can affect your view configuration.

Remember, the key to a seamless flight experience in MSFS 2020 lies in customizing the simulator to your preferences. By setting up your views and displays to match your flying style, you can enhance both your performance and enjoyment.

If you're still finding difficulty with these settings or have any specific follow-up questions, feel free to ask. There’s a lot to unpack with MSFS 2020, and I'm here to help guide you through it!

Safe skies and happy flying!

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