I've looked thru all the help stuff I could find and still can't figure a way to turn off the morse code signal from the VOR without changing the frequency. I want the VOR and all that, but the constant "dit-dit-da-dit" over and over is driving me nuts! Can somenody PLEASE clue me in to how to turn off the morse signal without losing the frequency on the VOR's?
Right!!!! Just de select the audio from the radio panel. All this does is turn off the audio and still allows the vor to function.
Thanks. I needed that. I knew it was something simple. I just couldn't find it. You have saved my sanity. I no longer have the urge to fly into Mt Ranier to end the torment.
Oops! Looks like I might have spoken too soon. Turning off the ident in the default Cessna's works OK but if anybody out there has a MAAM's DC-3/R4D you might give me a tip on how to turn off the ident there. I really enjoy flying those airplanes but I can't with that constant beeping going on.
I don't think you should hear any sounds if you de-select all of the channels on the radio panel. Try de-selecting them all and come back if the noise persists.
Thanks guys - I think I've finally got it sorted out. Mt Ranier is safe. Do any of you fly the MAAM DC-3/R4D? It's a great add-on, the best I 've ever seen. It's payware but it's worth every penny.
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