Pro Member Trainee
limmy Trainee

Does anybody know if you can get the Granville Brothers r-2 GEE BEE (1932) air
race plane .. add on for FS2004?

thanks Jamie

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Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

The 3rd down is the 2000 version, it should work in fs9.

Pro Member Trainee
limmy Trainee

cheer's radarman,
I have tryed to download it but it wont let me?
is there any more sites out there that you know of that will do one for free?????????????

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

This is the only other I can find, it's the 10th down.

You have to try at different times of the day or night if you don't want to join.

Pro Member Trainee
Colin73 Trainee

You can purchase this plane from Abacus (

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