Pro Member Trainee
william r miller (mrwrmiller) Trainee

i have this but all i can see is the inst panel everything else is black. if i turnsome times i will get a peak outside. its like being in a blacked out cockpit for inst.training.also the ground is all ......like 1 point perspective drawing. the cockpit is great but thats all. also i only have the disk. ❓ ❗ 😕

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Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

mrwrmiller wrote:

i have this but all i can see is the inst panel everything else is black. if i turnsome times i will get a peak outside. its like being in a blacked out cockpit for inst.training.also the ground is all ......like 1 point perspective drawing. the cockpit is great but thats all. also i only have the disk. ❓ ❗ 😕

Although i dont understand some of them you are writting...(''i have this''...What do you have??? and ''also i only have the disk''...???which disk???)i would ask you to give us your systems specs in order to notice if you have a hardware problem.

Pro Member Trainee
william r miller (mrwrmiller) Trainee

ok here goes.
mainboard: intel NBGV
chipset: intel i845GL
processer:intel celeron@1994MHz
phy. mem.: 512 MB
video card:82845G/GL/GV/GE/PE intergrated
win XP SP2
i will have a NVIDIA GeFORCE 128 MB MX 400 PCI AGP video card here in a few days.
also the disk i have is thelock on disk but i do not have anything else. just the disk which i used to load the game.
do i need to have FLIGHT SIMM 02 or 04 for this to work?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

First of all yes you need your CD4 in order to run the game or the no cd crack which you can download it from here:


As about your systems specs i think that your problem has to do firstly with your VGA card and secondly with you RAM.

I dont think that MX 400 will be the best solution to get the better performance of your graphics but if you are not very assuming you will see your game running...As about memory i believe that you have to upgrade it at least to 1gb.

My opinion is that,if you have the budget, try to search a better VGA card.

Im sure that you will get more answers to your problem by people which are more experts from me in this issue.

And BTW....Welcome to Flyaway 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

mrwrmiller wrote:

i have this but all i can see is the inst panel everything else is black. if i turnsome times i will get a peak outside. its like being in a blacked out cockpit for inst.training.also the ground is all ......like 1 point perspective drawing. the cockpit is great but thats all. also i only have the disk. ❓ ❗ 😕

Hi there,

like Greekman I'm not too sure what your problem is either. If indeed you own this simulator I envy you - I have seen some awesome screenshots.

Have a look at these links, if you get lost or things get a bit too confusing, come back and maybe we can figure out something together. Here are some links ➡




Keep in touch, Rick 😎

revan Guest

what he is saying is that when he runs the game (LO:MAC), during flight all he can see is the lights on the cockpit and HUD all the rest is black. i have the same problem. when you switch to an exterior view of the aircraft, it (the aircraft) is black and the graphics of the ground are in the sky and all over the place. it looks like you are literally flying through the ground and the sky at the same time.[/img]

rbreak7 Guest

I am haveing the same issues. Is there any fix for this???? I dont want to send the game back, but if I cant fly..... Thanks.

Pro Member Trainee
David Mathew Covarrubias (David_MC) Trainee

mrwrmiller wrote:

ok here goes.
mainboard: intel NBGV
chipset: intel i845GL
processer:intel celeron@1994MHz
phy. mem.: 512 MB
video card:82845G/GL/GV/GE/PE intergrated
win XP SP2
i will have a NVIDIA GeFORCE 128 MB MX 400 PCI AGP video card here in a few days.
also the disk i have is thelock on disk but i do not have anything else. just the disk which i used to load the game.
do i need to have FLIGHT SIMM 02 or 04 for this to work?

your problem is the intigrated graphics card unfortunely lomac needs a dedicated graphics chip. you'll have to get another.

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