Phoenix Simulatoins pre-order 777

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

Phoenxi simulations are know taking pre orders for there latest addon the 777

PSS 777

There doing a 25% discount on all pre orders.

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nah, I think I'll just download it off pirate bay for free instead 😀

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

No wonder prices are so high when we get people like you who pirate stuff. You're get caught in the end

Pro Member Captain
atreyu Captain

the feelthere 777 is coming soon too, and the panel looks very nice

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

Anonymous wrote:

nah, I think I'll just download it off pirate bay for free instead 😀

Let us know who you are so we can alert the police and have you sent to jail where you belong.

I don't like thieves.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

atreyu wrote:

the feelthere 777 is coming soon too, and the panel looks very nice

That's the one I'm waiting for.

Pro Member First Officer
Pro-Sim First Officer

Yip will certainly be interesting to see which one is best - my money's in the PSS camp 😉

I pre-ordered the 777-300ER with BA, Air France and Lufthansa liveries and it was only £18 which I thought was pretty good.

Of the Feelthere front thought, I certainly AM looking forward to the 737 PIC 😀

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

I'm just placing my bid on the 777-200LR + United Livery in New Colors. I'm somewhat upset that they modeled the 777-200LR and not the ER. United (and every other company flying the 200 model for that matter) flys the ER version, since the LR was only just flown out of the factory within this last year! Oh well, now at least I can test their Heathrow -> Sydney claim 😉

By the way, my money is in PSS's camp on this one too. I've heard plenty of people knocking how PSS develops their products, but I definitly stick up for their quality. The visual model on my Dash 8 is still top notch, as are the panels. The PSS airbus series, while not 100% functional like PMDG's equipment, is still one heck of a plane, with plenty of bells and whistles for its time! Keep in mind that it was made back in the days of FS2002, when "as real as it gets" meant the PSS A320. And people are still buying it and flying it today! Their concord can't be matched in its depth according to most people who have flown it. I think that they have it in them to produce some QUALITY stuff!

Not to mention Feelthere already made it clear they're NOT developing a full on cockpit simulation, but rather something just above "hop in and fly." 😉

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

When PSS decides to join the 21st century and have its products downloadable, I might consider some of their offerings. Waiting to receive a CD-ROM is archaic. I am also not thrilled with sources that set the price in Euros, have a ridiculous currency conversion rate and then slap a currency conversion fee on top of it all. Any reputable merchant account provider can handle the transaction more honestly.

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

PSS definitly is available for download... all of their planes and liveries are actually available for download, and have been for quite some time! By the way, the currency conversion would run pretty much the same for any person in england buying from the states here, and as far as I know there's no currency conversion fee tacked on, you just pay the standard rate of conversion.

Pro Member Chief Captain
CrashGordon Chief Captain

You are correct. I was thrown off by the links from the pictured products to Just Flight.

On th other hand, the idea that you have to "join" before buying the product, has me ready to scrap the idea.

Pro Member Captain
John Hodges (originalgrunge) Captain

Ah, yeah. Their whole "join" idea is no big deal though. I actually think that they have a very well managed system when it comes to that. When you log in, they have right there a whole list of the aircraft you've purchased, ready for you to download for the first time, or again should you lose your original install disk. There's no hunting for lost download sites, product keyes, or any of that kind of information. It's all stored with your email-address and password. Logging in also gives you access to their support areas that include product manual downloads, all the patches they've released for their products, free-ware liveries and untilities created by other owners of the product, and several features like that.

Although I don't actually like how PSS handles all of their business (i.e., virtually no discussion forums throughout development, infrequent updates on the products they're currently working on, making you buy liveries), I can't actually complain about them the more I think about their stuff. They produce some good products, manage the sales and downloads of past present and future purchases extremely well, and do provide what they promise. You always hear about patch after patch from some developers, but PSS usually does manage to get a lot right the first time out. We'll see if they can keep it up! 😀

Pro Member Captain
Jon Van Duyn (JVD) Captain

The feelthere 777 looks awsome with the virtual cabin,detail etc... but it's often phoenix simulations that make the panels that are designed for the Pro' [e.g. PSS A340 Pro].

People spend months, sometimes years creating these sought of add-ons [they take as long as your average PC game] . Then come along guys/girls who want to steal the work off illegal websites 😳 😞 .

Last edited by Jon Van Duyn (JVD) on Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total
Pro Member Trainee
Nathan (Natty) Trainee

Anonymous wrote:

nah, I think I'll just download it off pirate bay for free instead 😀

There shoudn't be any pirate sites or things like that, Why dont you buy it like every one else instead of losing out on great stuff, becuase the downloads you get off pirate sites are never as good as the ones you buy.

Why dont you think about that, becuase it is not just you who is losing out it is the people who make the games and stuff like that and there losing a lot of money becuase of people like you, and in the future stuff like this may not be avalibe to us becuase of money loss and that would most probaly be down to people like you making/getting pirate copy's off it.

Mad Mad Mad

Pro Member First Officer
Pro-Sim First Officer

Well said originalgrunge, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Crash - PSS were one of the first developers to sell their range by download ! They also offer customer support and service which knocks PMDG and Flight 1 for six..... I think you judged them a little early buddy 😉

Feelthere are great and I love their products but as Mr Grunge said, they made it clear that their 777 is a "Medium complexity" add-on which is great for some, but for those that want maximum simulation, the PSS is the one to go for I reckon.

Feelthere will still be getting plenty of orders soom though - their 737 PIC looks amazing.

Pro Member Chief Captain
liam (Liono) Chief Captain

When I brought the Airbus A320 family package I was very pleased with the servie. Plus there panels can be transfered to a freeware plane with no plroblems what so ever.

I will be buying the 777 series when I get paid.

Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

This is basically aimed at OriginalGrunge, Pro-Sim and of course everybody else who has shown interest in this thread. Doubtless to most of you experts this will be old news but hopefully it will be new news for others Surprised


Pro Member First Officer
Pro-Sim First Officer

Thanks Tailhook - I'd seen the top link but not the bottom one so cool 😎

The moderator over at the Just Flight PSS forum reckons the PSS huys have been working crazy hours to get the 777 out v. early next week .... hope so 😀


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