Uninstalling FS


I've decided to uninstall FS and reinstall to get a fresh start, but FS9 isn't in my Add/Remove programs. The program is still functional, but not recgonized in Add-Remove programs.

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uninstall.exe has disappeared from the FS9 directory.

Pro Member Chief Captain
RadarMan Chief Captain

Run the word "flight" through your search and delete the folders you find.
You could also run a few other words if you like, aircraft etc.

Use a registry cleaner to remove all traces and then reinstall.


Pro Member Chief Captain
Tailhook Chief Captain

Are you trying to uninstall fs9 or fs9.1?

Pro Member Chief Captain
Greekman72 Chief Captain

In addition to RadarMans correct suggestion you can put your CD1 one in your drive and click ''Uninstall''.

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