Add on installation

Pro Member Trainee
George (gepreck) Trainee


I have just downloaded 'carrierop1146' and 'harfsx' but unfortunately have no idea on how to install them. I have tried copying and pasting into flight sim files which works, but when i load up the game i can track nothing of these. I am well and truly clueless.

Could i please have some tips?


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gepreck wrote:


I have just downloaded 'carrierop1146' and 'harfsx' but unfortunately have no idea on how to install them. I have tried copying and pasting into flight sim files which works, but when i load up the game i can track nothing of these. I am well and truly clueless.

Could i please have some tips?


Welcome to the forums gepreck 😀

First the 'carrierop1146' - that is a file for FS2004 and being a carrier I doubt that it will be compatible with FSX. I installed another FS2004 carrier yesterday into FSX. It installed allright and showed up but was sitting in the middle of the ocean on a sandbar and when I put an aircraft on the deck, it would only place itself below deck in the holding area.
I have this file in my archive and while I could take you through the installation procedure for FS2004, I won't do this for FSX because I'm almost certain that at least a small disaster would be the result.

Generally, when installing any kind of downloaded files into the flightsim, the best way is to extract the contents of the .zip folder into a temporary folder and then look for installation instructions in the readme file or any other document.

Now the 'harfsx' - I don't have this particular Harrier and I'm aware that it has supposedly been updated for FSX. A couple of members here are happy with it ➡

This one shouldn't be too difficult to install. If you have problems, post the installation instructions here and we'll go through it together.

You can also consult this page:

Just remember that in FSX the Aircraft Folder is a subfolder of SimObjects.

Let us know how you're getting on.

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