Hi everyone.
As some of you guys may know, I was going to get a laptop for christmas and guess what- iGOT ONE ON TUESDAY!!! The laptop that I purchused with my dad was the following:
Here is a link to it -
I was wondering if someone could look at the specs and see if my new VFR Scenery will work well on it. Here is a link for the add-on so you can see the requirements etc..-
On the right hand side of the page( link above), scroll down to the bottom of the specs and you will see 'Also Consider' in purple. If possible could someone check that out aswell just in case as im getting that add-on aswell.
I would really appreciate this and i just have 1 more q to ask - If I were to install the above packages on my FS2004, will i be able to also install London Gatwick 2004. Will London Gatwick 2004 work on my laptop?
Thanks soo much in advance.
Yes it should run but well at default settings, you might want to add more ram so the scenery will render quicker.
According to VFR requirment you wont have any problems.I personally believe that your system will run this great Add-on at the edge.
Can this VGA change to another one?
What is a VGA?
How about London Gatwick 2004 - will that install well and come out clear on my laptop if I also have the VFR Add-on on FS aswell??
SteveT wrote:
What is a VGA?
Graphics Card. 😉
I don't know what you mean -sorry
I don't think so anyway! - How about London Gatwicj 2004?
SteveT wrote:
I don't know what you mean -sorry
I don't think so anyway! - How about London Gatwicj 2004?
Your PC specs iclude this: 128Mb Intel Graphics Media Accelerator
This is your Graphics Card.
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