ok so im coming in to land at heathrow and whack stupid fspassengers makes my gear freeze so im forced to make a belly landing.
Picture of my aircraft after being diverted to Gatwick for emergency arrival.
So im approachign runway and controller says "ScotAir62, Good luck fire & rescue will meet you on landing."
So im thinking omg what do i do, ive tried 3 belly landings before and never managed to land it without crash.
Approaching RWY 26L i bring my Airbus A321-211 to 150kias and deploy 15 flaps.
2 miles from landing i hear cabin crew call: "Brace For Emergency Landing"
when i see my decend/climb thing next to altimeter say 100ft positive climb and bring my aircraft to almost stall speed i hear a thud and screaching metal. Aircraft comes to a stop i open the doors and the passengers disembark and waiting fire & rescue make sure no fires will start.
Picture of my belly landing at Gatwick:
Im kinda thinking Runway 26 Left needs resurfacing after my belly landing >_>
./edit on the screenshot were autopilot is engaged was just to line me up as im busy going through my emergency landing checklist, and i flew the last 5.6nm hands on so i could line up exactly how i wanted to come in.
Congrats! I dont think I could do that with out the passengers bieng super TO'd at me lol
oh yeh id also like to say thanks to the magnificent ATC who cleared the skies for me and brought me in for such a great approach.
THANK YOU !!!! From all at ScotAir. 🍻
Hmm, what mod is that? It looks like a pretty cool addition to FS and, being the dedicated FlightSimmer I am, I might consider getting it...
yeah i wuz wondering wut add-on that wuz
Check this ➡
A great Add-on(payware)that turns FS more realism than already is. 😉
Greekman72 wrote:
Check this ➡
A great Add-on(payware)that turns FS more realism than already is. 😉
He is using FSP 😉
yah fspassengers. only thing i dont like is when it makes emergencies like that. i was only on 5% chance of a failure and that happened so i was kinda screwed.
Jamier wrote:
yah fspassengers. only thing i dont like is when it makes emergencies like that. i was only on 5% chance of a failure and that happened so i was kinda screwed.
Thats the best in my opinion.I have set it up to 15% and im thinking of increase it... 😉
fantastic landing, what was your end of flight report like? What did the passengers eventually think??
Micah 😉
Greekman72 wrote:
Jamier wrote:
yah fspassengers. only thing i dont like is when it makes emergencies like that. i was only on 5% chance of a failure and that happened so i was kinda screwed.
Thats the best in my opinion.I have set it up to 15% and im thinking of increase it...
15%? Greekman, fire your maintenance crew, they've been sleeping on the job.
I have mine set for 1%, minor problems only. Now, if I can only find a way to keep the cabin crew from giving me coffee and beverages every 20 minutes. They're going to make my bladder explode.
how did you manage it and what problem did you have? looks like your putting wheels down to me! youve got hydrolics etc.
also if they froze deploy the pitot and anti ice
Thanks for the link. looks like a good addon. *downloads*
the last picture there appears to be 2 trails coming from the wings and going straight up in the air... did you do a hotshots style belly landing and drop straight out of the sky? 😀
good job m8!
I wouldn't like to try and land one of those beasts on its belly!
Great landing and Great screenshots Jamier! 😀 Good job mate!
FSP is a great add on 👍 Oh great landing by the way 😀
If you click the FSP tab in fs9 go to the manager option and select aircraft maintainace,you can stop that sort of thing from happening(and running out of aircraft )
If you do have a crash,select Do Not Save this flight,and next time you fly FSP your reputation and aircraft are not affected 😉
it wasnt a crash it was a sucesfull emergency landing.
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