Hey All,
I am really starting to enjoy flying my B737-800 for Easyjet, but I am having a few problems with Landing when I am using FSpassengers and the aircraft has a load.
I will summarise the situation.
I am taking off with 60% total aircraft load, both with PAX, cargo and with 6000lbs of fuel in each side tank and 8000lbs in the center tank.
I am flying from Luton (UK) to Dublin (IRE) and landing with approx 4000lbs of Fuel in the side tanks and 6500lbs of fuel in the center.
I am coming in at 140knots with flaps at 10, but even on an ILS landing I find that I am landing short of the runway, probably cause I am coming in too slow for my weight. ILS is telling me that I am too low, so it can't be a problem with that, but if I come in any quicker then I make such a heavy landing that I bust my landing gear.
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
Am I flying with too much fuel? Have I got the wrong flap setting, or flying totally backwards? 😛
I don't really fly heavies so I can't tellyou much, but you will need more than 10 degrees of flap, I think the max is 40 degrees, which is the amount you should be landing with. As the maximum speed for the flap clicks down apply another setting of flap which will give you more lift.
Don't forget to apply more throttle as your trading drag for lift. 😉
I'm not sure the -800 qualifies as a heavy (anyone?), but let me try to help:
140 knots is a good speed all in all but not with 10 flaps - I'm sure the airplane is either stalling or really struggling to stay in the air. Your fuel and load don't sound excessive, but I don't claim any mastery over fuel issues.
A few pointers for landing:
As you descend and get near your approach speed gradually apply flaps. You will notice as you decelerate that the airplane will feel "heavier" and will want to point down (obviously subtle signs, I am not suggesting stalling =p). Apply some flaps and you'll see that the nose will want to point up and the airspeed will drop. By the way, don't be shy about flaps. As you decelerate through 210kts or so, give it 5 degrees and go from there. For your final landing use 30 degrees flaps and around 138 (depends on conditions) indicated. If you see you're coming in too fast go ahead and use 40 flaps, but I don't think that's necessary for everyday operations (again, correct me).
Another thing to remember is don't use the yoke to control the descent rate. If you're coming in steeply or too fast, give some power (not too much) and you'll see, the approach will become shallower. Don't jerk the yoke up and down. Remember to trim for each new condition and before long you'll be landing this baby nice and easy 🙂
The more flaps you have,the more power you need to stay aloft(power and not speed. You do need speed,but you need power to maintain that speed)
Also try and get setup for landing before ATC clears you(about 6 mile out)ie with flaps at 20 speed about 160/170.add more flaps and reduce speed
Try not to use the auto throttle after this also.Look at the throttles and make sure you dont have full throttle applied to your controler when switching off the A/T.try and judge the same amount of power(it will get easier with practice)
Try and maintain your speed untill you are over the threshold of the runway ,then ease off the power and feather
Next time you fly hit Alt and save the flight at about 20 miles out before landing.Then use this to practice
Ok, I might have changed my plane for a nice little (cute looking) Easyjet Airbus A319, but it looks like i have cracked it.
I performed a flight from London Luton to Cork (Ireland) and here are the results (fresh from FSpassengers)
Flight EZY704 End of flight report Date December 24 2005
Flight ID: EZY704
Pilot: Matt Leach
Company: Easyjet(UK)
Aircraft: A319-100 CFM EasyJet UK
Flight Date: December 24 2005
Departure: 10h32 (10h32 GMT)
Arrival: 11h48 (11h48 GMT)
From: EGGW - Luton - United Kingdom
To: EICK - Cork - Ireland
Nbr of Passengers: 97
Flight Distance: 300 Nm Landing Speed: 139.91 kt
Time Airborne: 01h04:52 Landing Touchdown: -297.69 ft/m (nice)
Flight Time (block): 01h15:35 Landing Pitch: 4.27°
Time On Ground: 00h13:10 Landing Weight: 134310 lbs
Average Speed: 278.12 kt Total Fuel Used: 7355 lbs
Max. Altitude: FL 300 Fuel Not Used: 13752 lbs
Climb Time: 00h13:36 Climb Fuel Used: 3337 lbs
Cruise Time: 00h29:44 Cruise Fuel Used: 2560 lbs
Average Cruise Speed: 357.81 kt (M0.5😎 Cruise fuel/hour: 5167 lbs (calc)
Descent Time: 00h21:32 Descent Fuel Used: 1456 lbs
Passenger Opinion: Exceptional flight (100%)
-Are pleased to have landed right on schedule.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Financial Report:
Ticket Income: +£9,138 (300 Nm)
Cargo Income: +£6,692 (16999 lbs)
Services Income: +£203 (1 sandwich 0 hot food 1 drink)
Services Cost: -£149 (45% quality)
Fuel Cost: -£1,843 (7355 lbs Jet-A1)
Airport Taxes: -£83 (Large Aircraft)
Insurance Costs: -£683 (4.32% rate)
Total Real Income: £13,274
Total Income: £663,728 (real x50)
Fleet Bonus: £0 (0 aircraft)
Total Sim Income: £663,728 (total income+fleet bonus)
Company Reputation:
Considering that the flight was perfect the ticket price low, the service price normal and the service quality good, passengers on this flight think that your company's reputation should be 100%
Your company reputation is now: 68% (+3.18 increase)
Overall Flight Result: Perfect
Pilot Bonus points: 300 points
You made a very nice landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
Precise arrival time at destination.(-00h00:36 difference) (+100)
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